The IFW HL Core Package provides some common utilities of general interest to the other ICW components and application development in general.It provides the following two main parts:
- CTD: Common Tools & Definitions.
- DIT: Data Interface Tools.
Former provides general purpose tools:
- Common constants.
- Tools for string manipulation.
- Tools for converting between various data types.
- Various system level tools.
- Tools to handling files in the ELT ICS directory structure, e.g. searching for files.
- A SCXML/OPC UA XML profile driven server framework.
The DIT sub-packages provides features to handle:
- Data Interface Dictionaries (DID).
- FITS files.
The DID library provides the following:
- A C++ library to load and use DIDs from C++ programs.
- A number of DIDs, providing keyword definitions of common interest.
The FITS Library convenience functions to create FITS files, supported by the DID keyword definitions.