
UTIL $\vert$
IDENTIFY Identify data points. Program enters loop in which left mouse button click identifies, right button click identifies and exits the loop. If no plot window is displayed, a list of the measurements will be shown with the individual $\chi^2$ contributions to identify bad data.
WINDOW Change display area
RANGE Enter new range of display
ELLIPSE Interactively define an ellipse. Use left mouse button to set or move either semi-major axis end points, the middle button to set or change the ellipticity, and the right button to exit either mode, and the utility upon clicking twice.
ORBIT Run Thiele-Innes method to obtain inital estimate of orbital parameters. The results are stored in a single orbit storage area.
DATE Enter a date and display the position.
EDIT Edit data. No flag tables used.

OPTIONS $\vert$
ERRORS Display error ellipses
FLAGGED Display flagged data too
ELLIPSE Superpose apparent ellipse
ORBIT Superpose apparent orbit
J2000 Precess observations to J2000 before plotting
COLOR For hardcopies, use color
SUBMIT Submit hardcopy file to printer