Two binary files for Linux (already compiled and ready to run) of
Xephem 3.4 with the Telescope Control Panel (TCP)
for the LX200 included are also here available:
xephem 3.4.m.n
1- xephem-lx200-3.4.m.n.linux.exe.gz (only the binary)
2- xephem-lx200-3.4.m.n.linux.tar.gz (binary and all auxiliary files)
1- The binary xephem-lx200-3.4.m.n.linux.exe.gz can be installed in an already
xephem-3.4.n installation and substitutes your xephem executable
(e.g. in $HOME/bin/xephem):
% cd $HOME/bin
% mv xephem
% gunzip xephem-lx200-3.4.m.n.linux.exe.gz
% mv xephem-lx200-3.4.m.n.linux.exe xephem
% chmod +x xephem
2- The binary package is a complete binary distribution of xephem including
the executable with the TCO for the LX200 telescope and all auxiliary and
catalog files. The xephem-lx200-3.2.m.n.linux.tar.gz contains:
To install type as any user:
% cd $HOME/bin
% zcat xephem-lx200-3.4.m.n.linux.tar.gz | tar xf -
Create a directory off your HOME called XEphem for all per-user files
$ mkdir $HOME/XEphem
Create an initial resource file called $HOME/XEphem/XEphem with
just one line in it as follows:
Create a directory off their HOME named XEphem:
$ mkdir $HOME/XEphem
where is the full path of the directory containing the directories
auxil/, fifos/, and fits/ and catalogs/. E.g. $HOME/bin
3. Preferences for the LX200 Telescope Control Panel.
Next is a set of definitions for the LX200 TCP. Defaults can be changed
by editing your $HOME/XEphem/XEphem preferences file:
! *************************************************************************
! LX200 telescope control definitions
! Filename indicates where to write the lx200 logfile
! Magnitud and Exposure are used to calibrate the Exposure Time Calculator
! MaxDec indicates a Maximun Declination beyond which we can damage the
! camera at the eyepiece holder.
! Device indicates the serial port controlling the telescope.
! Interval indicates in miliseconds the frecuency to Get Coordinates
! With xephem 3.4 these definitions to be added to your local preferences
! Defaults:
! XEphem*Log*Filename.value: ./ephem.log
! XEphem.Magnitud: 0.08
! XEphem.Exposure: 10
! XEphem.MaxDec: 80
! XEphem.Device: /dev/ttyS0
! XEphem.Interval: 2000
! Example:
XEphem.Magnitud: 2.02
XEphem.Exposure: 300
XEphem.MaxDec: 81
Carlos Guirao