Summary of Spitzer environment meeting 2005 August 25th ======================================================= Attending: Nick S., Daniel S., Carlos DB, Bob F., Andy B., Alessandro R., Taddy Kodama 1. Subaru MOIRCS proposal ------------------------- + Subject: Taddy is submitting a Subaru proposal to use the new MOAIRCS near-IR camera, which has a 4'x7' field-of-view. He will ask for up to 5 nights next semester (minimum 2). The plan is to image 6 fields in JHK (2 hours in J, 1.5 hours in H and 1 hour in K). + Authors: Taddy will be PI, and will include 3 members of the GO team: * Masaru Kajisawa (postdoc at NAOJ) * Toru Yamada (associate prof at NAOJ) * Ichi Tanaka (postdoc at Tohoku Univ) We can include a number of non-Japanese Spitzer team members (3 or 4). The obvious choices are Laurence Eyles and Joel Vernet, but we can add 1 or 2 more. + Targets: All from our Spitzer sample, mostly those with evidence for overdensity: TN J0924-2201, z=5.2, 6 confirmed Ly-alpha emitters TN J1338-1942, z=4.1, 36 confirmed Ly-alpha emitters USS0943-242, z=2.9, 25 confirmed Ly-alpha emitters USS1410-001, z=2.4, CISCO JHK overdensity of J-K>2.3 objects USS1558-003, z=2.5, CISCO JHK overdensity of J-K>2.3 objects PKS1138-262, z=2.2, 11 confirmed Ly-alpha emitters + Spectroscopic follow-up possibilities: The z=2.5 targets are good, because they can be followed up with near-spectroscopy of [OII] in J, [OIII] in H and H-alpha in K. + Data reduction: There will be a pipeline available. + Our collaboration will provide the Spitzer images, and Taddy will provide the JHK images. We agree that Laurence can work on these images, and papers will be written jointly. 2. Laurence Eyles's role ------------------------ + Laurence was not reachable, but the targetted start date is October 4th. + Andy will visit ESO twice in October, so this would allow good interaction. + ISAAC data is already available and reduced using the ALAMBIC pipeline at ESO. This would be good to start with by putting the near-IR and IRAC data on a common astrometric grid, and procude catalogues. + Discussion on which band to use to define the apertures: IRAC1 preferred over K-band; this is much easier. + Later on, he can work on the other data from the archives and from CISCO. 3. September and January CISCO observations ------------------------------------------- + Taddy has 4 nights of Subaru CISCO time to image radio galaxy fields (2 in mid September, 2 in January). + He's willing to change targets to those observed in our Spitzer project. + Suggested targets are those from the ESO P76 proposal which did not get accepted (12 fields, but not on any 12 environment searches done with Subaru and VLT to lower redshift using this 4m telescope. This would involve a substantial French participation: Alain Omont, Alessandro, Brigitte. We should also consider inviting Henry McCracken on the proposal. He could help with the data reduction at the Terapix centre in Paris. This could produce fully reduced images and sextractor catalogues. Deadline is 21 September. + Andy suggests submitting a similar proposal to the WFCAM on UKIRT. This camera consists of 4 chips of 13.6'x13.6' separated by roughly the same size. We probably only need a single chip. There will be a pipeline to reduce the data. Andy is willing to PI such a proposal. Deadline is 15 September. + Dan worries that we may be putting in too many proposals, and getting too little science done. We'll discuss this with Joel next week. If he can invest some time, we will go ahead. 4. 4C23.56 paper ---------------- + Dan produced a nice figure. We'll not show all bands as they look to much alike. + SEDs: show one nuFnu plot with synchrotron fit. Another SED with the model decompositions.