Happy Holidays everyone. Here's the summary of last Friday's telecon. Of particular note was the brainstorming on future (HST/Spitzer/Chandra/XMM/submm) proposals, towards the bottom of the summary. Summary of Spitzer HzRG Telecon - 2004 December 17 -------------------------------------------------- Attending: Daniel S., Carlos DeB., Wil vB., George M., Arjun D., Mark D., Mark L., Harry T., Andrew Z., Joel V., Nick S., Brigitte RV. Overview of Spitzer observations: IRAC (3.6-8.0um) - looks good; detecting most (all?) sources in most (all?) channels; working on the reductions, but should be in good shape IRS (16um) - generally good; detecting most sources; reductions in OK shape MIPS (24-160um) - detecting most sources at 24um; doesn't look good at longer wavelengths; discussion of seeing if we can change our observing strategy and shift some MIPS 160um into shorter wavelength passbands; but also need a better assessment of the data quality first First paper - 4c23.56: Carlos to lead; some discussion of photometry, but will definately need to address again (as a smaller group); Ken Chambers invited in for this first effort; some discussion of TFIT New ground-based supporting observations: Wil got 36min on 6c0930 with keck/nirc about an hour before the telecon; thanks; some more time likely on Dec.20th; Carlos has already provided preferred targets VLT #1 - got 13 hr. of imaging polarimetry (in blue, line-free filter) to assess AGN contribution to photometry; classically scheduled for July 29+30 VLT #2 - got 8hr of ISAAC near-IR imaging; proposal asked for optical and near-IR imaging in line-free bands straddling D4000 to aide in the SED modeling; imaging polarimetry data will somewhat buy back the failed optical portion of this proposal, but unclear whether sufficient or not; queue-scheduled Palomar 200" - got 4 nights to image in line-free bands straddling D4000 to aide in the SED modeling: Feb.4th for optical imaging (LFC) and Feb.17th-19th for near-IR imaging (WIRC) Old ground-based supporting observations: Collectively, our team has reams of data for the Spitzer targets. Group recognition that such data would be valued for analyzing the new Spitzer data, though a collective fear of going through old DVDs/CDs/exabtyes/DATs/reel-2-reels/stripscans/etc.... This will be an issue that we will return to... (and Arjun pointed out that in some cases getting new data may be easier than digging up old data) Future proposals: HST#1 - archival proposal to (re-)analyze HST data (most of which members of our team probably PI'd or co-I'd) was deemed an obvious and likely successful program; pasadena likely to lead, with goal of rounding out Nick's postdoc to a full 2 to 3 years of funding HST#2 - GO to image both sides of the break; not as excited about this, but wouldn't be hard to write (since we've been writing the same proposal for ~10 years); Spitzer data might make it sell well with the TAC; Stern/Zirm likely to lead HST#3 - snapshot? briefly discussed, but guessed that it was unlikely to be deep enough Spitzer#1 - IRS spectroscopy likely the most exciting option. Arjun reported that 1mJy is a good limit, though NDWFS has pushed to 0.75mJy and gotten ratty spectra; BRV pointed out that spectroscopy 2 deconvolve PAH emission from hot dust emission in the rest-frame ~8um region would be useful and interesting Spitzer#2 - some discussion of getting MIPS on targets which we're only hitting with IRAC now, going deeper with MIPS, etc... deemed that such data would be valuable, we're apt to be in better shape to assess and address this in Cycle 3 Chandra/XMM - X-ray follow-up in hand already for a few sources and Lacy interested in looking into this; Wil has also proposed a couple of times to get X-ray follow-up of HzRGs; deemed that having an X-ray astronomer onboard for this effort would be a good idea and Dave Alexander was suggested as a knowledgable and interested X-Ray person SCUBA/SHARK/MAMBO/etc... - getting SCUBA for targets would also be a good thing; many on the team have experience writing such proposals; Miley offered to front HzRG conference in Granada, Spain (18-20 April 2005): Leiden running an informal HzRG workshop (~50 person max); Wil, Carlos, Dan, Huub all giving invited talks; contact montse@iaa.es for more information (and next e-mail will be the about the conference) Status of Old Action Items: NS - webpage, IRAC data, photometry, etc... == DONE == DS - show IRS images to Teplitz for comments == DONE (by NS) == DS - contact (MED to contact) Ken Chambers regarding 4c23.56 ground-based data == DONE (and successful) == DS & ML - contact SSC MIPS experts == shifted to new AI == DS, CDB, JV, etc... - start digging up archival data on our targets == will be the neverending AI; but we should focus on 4c23.56 for now == New Action Items: DS - talk to SSC MIPS folk about 70, 160um data; look into feasibility of shifting some 160um time into 16um and 70um DS - contact Dave Alexander regarding X-ray followup