Summary of spitzer HzRG core-team telecon - 2005 August 12 ========================================================== attending: Daniel S., Joel V., Nick S., Bob F., Andrew Z., Carlos DB. 1. Discussion on the radio galaxy issues of the 4C23.56 paper ------------------------------------------------------------- + stellar populations: important to have line-free JHK photometry. Data is available. Joel & Carlos have experience from MRC2104 on how to do this. The stellar mass will be determined from an SED fit, but will mainly depend on IRAC bands 1 and 2. + hot dust emission: we have for the first time clearly detected AGN-heated thermal dust emission in a HzRG. This covers at least 4 Spitzer bands. Once we have all data sorted out, we'll fit Siebenmorgen's model, but we don't intend to do any sophisticated modeling of this source. Action items: 1. Carlos to send out a list of all the observed fluxes by 19 Aug. 2. Joel to determine the line-free near-IR photometry on his return in September. 3. Nick & Dan to get a final measure of the IRAC bands with the foreground star removed. 4. Carlos to compile the HST and Gemini AO K-band image into a high-resolution picture galery to be included in the paper. 5. Carlos to start writing the paper! 2. Discussion on the environment of 4C23.56 ------------------------------------------- + Andrew and Joel but report an overdensity of 24um sources wrt Bootes field. We need to get a number on this. + Andrew has looked at the JHK+IRAC images of the field. He thinks J-IRAC1 colors will be most useful as the bracket both 4000A and 1um breaks. + Possibility of photometric redshifts discussed. However, the accuracy may not be good enough to determine membership of the RG proto-cluster or not. + Plan would be to look at 24um sources and look for evidence they are at z=2.5 in the other bands. Action item: 1. Andrew to look further into the 24um statistics. If we find a very significant overdensity, this warrants a separate paper, to be lead by Andrew. If the result is interesting, but not compelling, it will be added as a separate paragraph of Carlos' paper. 3. Brief discussion of rest-frame H-z paper =========================================== + Nick looking into the SEDs to assess the feasibility to use rest-frame H-band luminosity to estimate the stellar masses for the full sample. + We will look at this in detail during Nick's ESO visit from 22 Aug till 2 Sep. Bonus action item: ------------------ 1. Bob to send us the Granada Shizrag picture so we can add it to the website. Otherwise we'll use the one Andrew sent, or the one on the conference website.