Summary of Spitzer HzRG Telecon - 2004 December 10 -------------------------------------------------- Attending: Brigitte R.-V., Andrew Z., Mark L., Daniel S., Carlos DeB., Joel V., Bob F., Alessandro R., Nick S. Overview of Spitzer observations: IRAC - looks good; we're detecting sources; but needs some work beyond the basic pipeline; Nick will use Lacy & Moustakas codes for ch.1 & ch.2 (in principle, Moustakas code should be better, but hasn't been extensively tested yet beyond the GOODS data sets); there wasn't much discussion of ch.3 & ch.4, but Lacy & Stern have ideas, experience, & procedures for improving those data as well IRS - generally good; we're detecting most sources; s11 pipeline has just kicked in and will provide astrometry to IRS imaging data; plan is to delay most IRS reductions until the re-reductions enter the pipeline (~3 weeks from now), but Nick to contact Harry to start playing with photometry on s10 reductions, particularly for 4c23.56; Stern to show preliminary s10 reductions to Harry for comments MIPS - generally good at 24um, but not good at 70um and 160um; 24um generally detects HzRGs, sometimes quite spectacularly (e.g., 4c23.56); however, basic pipeline product looks quite ratty still; Lacy & Stern to contact experts at SSC (e.g., Fadda, Ram-Chary) for advice; expectation is that 24um should be quite good with a little effort; longer wavelength data doesn't appear to be detecting sources; Lacy & Stern to seek local advice Accepted ground-based programs: VLT #1 - got 13 hr. of imaging polarimetry (in blue, line-free filter) to assess AGN contribution to photometry VLT #2 - got 8hr of ISAAC near-IR imaging; proposal asked for optical and near-IR imaging in line-free bands straddling D4000 to aide in the SED modeling; imaging polarimetry data will somewhat buy back the failed optical portion of this proposal, but unclear whether sufficient or not Palomar 200" - got 4 nights to image in line-free bands straddling D4000 to aide in the SED modeling: Feb.4th for optical imaging (LFC) and Feb.17th-19th for near-IR imaging (WIRC) Archive/webpage: looks great; now begins the painful time of populating the ground-based, archival data from our co-I's; AZ sent list of HST data for our targets, which will be added to the webpage; AZ also has Gemini AO data on 4c23.56, the likely target of the 1st paper Follow-up programs: will discuss in more detail next telecon, but IRS spectroscopy of MIPS-det'd sources seems like a good idea; in particular, BRV pointed out that spectroscopy to deconvolve PAH emission from hot dust emission in the rest-frame ~8um region would be useful and interesting; IRS spectroscopy should be good to ~1 mJy flux levels; HST imaging?; HST archival proposal? Action Items: NS - webpage, IRAC data, photometry, etc... DS & ML - contact SSC MIPS experts DS - show IRS images to Teplitz for comments DS, CDB, JV, etc... - start digging up archival data on our targets DS - contact (MED to contact) Ken Chambers regarding 4c23.56 ground-based data AZ - get Gemini AO data on 4c23.56 together for 1st paper