summary of spitzer HzRG telecon - 2005 june 8 ============================================= attending: mark d., carlos deb., daniel s., joel v., andy b., huub r., george m., pat mcc., nick s., laurence e., arjun d., peter, e.... 1. overview of spitzer observations ----------------------------------- + IRAC - fully processed all the data taken to date and placed both images and photometry on the SHzRG website: username: SHZRG password: 5Hz!Rg! + IRS/MIPS - algorithm for processing basically finalized; fully processed data and photometry expected at same website by end of June + a "reg file" (for use with ds9), listing the positions of all the SHzRGs is available at: 2. other stuff on website ------------------------- + note that grenada talks by carlos, nick, & dan are available at supplementary data section of website (which also includes proposals, etc...) 3. papers --------- + 4c23.56 detailed SED modeling (carlos et al.) - top priority for carlos starting now - discussions underway with siebenmorgen regarding more realistic AGN models than the simple double black-body used in grenada talk - arjun suggested other accretion disk/dusty torus models by krolik (?) and litzer (?) which carlos should look into as well + rest-frame H-z diagram (nick et al.) - now that IRAC data is fully processed, this is top priority (once the MIPS and IRS data are processed, which should be this month) - models ... pegase-2 - lower-redshift galaxies from spitzer archive (and ground-based) - compare to BCG's/cD's? 4. status of proposals, past & future ------------------------------------- + HST archival proposal: down in flames + Spitzer proposals (MIPS imaging & IRS spectroscopy): down in flames - TAC concerned that IRS proposal was too ambitious (given how bright sources are) + Chandra proposal: TAC meeting around now? + Palomar: we had 4 nights last semester (3 lost to rain) and we have 4 nights allocated for the 2005B semester + VLT: we have 2 nights coming in August and have already received some queue-scheduled IR images; next semester not official yet, but good rumors have been circulated + SCUBA: time all-but allocated, but SCUBA is all-but dead; might get some data after recommissioning or from SCUBA-2, due in ~9 mo. timescale (?) + MAMBO/IRAM: some data already taken, and expect to finish the sample w/ next cycles proposal + CSO: putting together a proposal right now for JPL access to CSO 5. laurence eyles ----------------- + graduate student at exeter, working with andy bunker + just put in a proposal for ESO funding so that he'd spend 1-2 years of his graduate career in garching, working on this program + primary emphasis of proposal was environments 6. sharing data --------------- + public website lists all of our sources and was shared with attendees to grenada conference + montse has requested data on a single source and will be writing it up, combined w/ extensive ground-based data, in the next few months. carlos and joel are involved with this + ross mclure has requested IRAC data on 4 sources. we've given it to him with the requirement that nick be included in science and in author list action items: ------------- + nick: finish off MIPS & IRS reductions & post to website + carlos & nick: start working on papers and ping people where help is needed (e.g., in churning through archival 4c23.56 data). probably send out outlines in next weeks + joel/carlos: add "wish list" to website, listing what ground-based bands would be useful for which sources