Summary of Spitzer HzRG Telecon - 2005 February 2 ------------------------------------------------- Attending: Daniel S., Carlos DeB., Brigitte RV., Nick S., Mark D., Mark L., Andrew Z., Joel V., Bob F., Alessandro R. (not everyone was notified of this telecon; sorry if you felt left out - you aren't being left out of the Spitzer cycle 2 proposals) Topic: brief, 1st discussion of concrete plans for Spitzer Cycle 2 proposals (which are due at 1pm, CA time, on Saturday Feb. 12th) Consensus plan is to do 2 proposals: (1) MIPS 24um imaging of sources missed in our Cycle 1 program, where we used a sky background limit to choose which targets to observe with MIPS (2) IRS spectroscopy of 16um/24um selected sample of the Cycle 1 program [(3) also briefly discussed possible archive proposal to analyze GTO data on HzRGs, but decided to put efforts into getting new data for this cycle] Since funds are cut by 50% if PI isn't in the US, decision was made to have US PI's. Latter (IRS) proposal, which will likely be a substantial request, will probably have Nick as PI. Former (MIPS) proposal apt to be either Dan or Carlos as PI -- if #hours isn't large, the financial penalty of a European PI is not as important. Brigitte will play an active role in IRS proposal, has already started a 1st draft, and will play an important role in the analysis and publication of IRS data; she is willing to step down as PI of the proposal for the financial reasons (also, since IRS data is relatively new, analysis of data is apt to rely heavily on close access to IRS team members at SSC, esp. Harry Teplitz). More detailed comments on the proposals follow: (1) MIPS 24um imaging proposal ============================== - plan is to get 24um imaging of sources missed in cycle 1 program, which used a very stringent background limit to choose which targets to attempt with MIPS - strict limit probably more relevant for longer wavelength MIPS channels. data thus far shows very high rate of 24um detections (11 out of 12 obs'd thus far), while 70um and 160um detection rate is basically null (1 70um detection thus far) - proposal would be a revamp of the cycle 1 proposal (DS/CDB to send out 1st draft next M?) - updated figures: - panel showing 24um detections for some (all?) of the hzrg imaging currently in hand (NS? CDB?) - plot of 24um flux/lum. vs. radio flux/power (CDB) - plot of radio power vs. redshift, indicating which sources are to be observed in cycle 1, and which we request here (CDB) - 4c23.56 SED (NS? CDB?) (2) IRS spectroscopy proposal ============================= - plan is get IRS spectra of HzRG's observed already in cycle 1 GO program - study the rest-frame ~10um properties: black-body rad'n from hot dust (as evidenced by Brigitte's ISO work), PAH emission, silicate absorption, and power-law AGN contribution - AGN vs. star-formation? - compare to MIPS-selected sources with recent IRS spectroscopy (esp. the optically-ft, mid-IR-bright sources; Yan et al., in prep.; IRS team, in prep.) - goal will be to use PEGASE (3) models to analyze data - we have ~12 targets right now (7 targets with 24um > 0.7 mJy; others selected based on IRS 16um flux) - figures: - some results from cycle 1: multi-panel plot of (subset of) data, showing IRAC, IRS, MIPS imaging and robust detections (CDB? NS?) - range of PEGASE models, showing hot-dust dominated spectrum and PAH dominated spectrum (BRV) - SED of 4c23.56 showing optical thru mid-IR (CDB? NS?), with model fit? (BRV? AR?) proposed AI's ============= CDB - figures? NS - figures? DS - revise cycle1 proposal into cycle2 MIPS proposal HT - meet w/ NS,DS,ML to discuss IRS details -- target sel'n, IRS observing plan, input on science justification BRV - will send out 1st draft of IRS proposal on friday (NS & DS observing that night at Palomar); NS & DS will work on proposal text over weekend and get draft out ~Monday - PEGASE model/prediction of IRS data, for range of models (or two extremes)