Subject: observing report -- ut2005feb05 (palomar/lfc) Hey Guys -- We're just finishing up a fairly successful night of z-band imaging of HzRGs. Seeing has varied from 0.8" to 1.2", and there's a been a bit of cirrus [the telescope operator assures us that we're getting the best night in the 10 nights centered on tonight]. Since the target list wasn't overwhelming, we got comfortably deep data for most-all of the northern-hemisphere HzRGs we wanted to target tonight. Exposure times varied based on the estimated z-band magnitudes of the sources. We observed the following: 5c7.269 60min uss0828+193 60min 6ce0901+3551 20min 6ce0905+3955 40min 6ce0820+3642 40min 3c239 50min 3c266 40min lbds53w002 30min 3c356.0 30min 7c1751+6809 60min 4c40.36 20min (thus far...) Cheers, Dan & Nick