Subject: observing report - UT 2005 Aug 2-3; VLT Hey SHzRG'ers, We just finished off 1.5 nights on VLT/UT-2 with FORS1 doing optical imaging polarimetry on some of our Spitzer HzRGs. Skies were clear, but high winds on the full night restricted our access to targets, and both nights suffered from poor seeing -- typically ~1.6", but as bad as 2.5" for some of the targets. We basically detected all of the targets in our quick reduction, total intensity images. However, only a few targets were well-enough detected to likely yield high-quality polarimetry measurements -- but we'll see what we can get on all of them. This may be too tough of an experiment to do on z>2 HzRGs without very long exposures, or, more likely, we just needed better conditions. Here's what we did: SHzRG z band exptime - notes ----------- ----- ---- --------------- pks1138-26 2.156 I 3600s txs1707+105 2.349 I 9000s mrc2048-272 2.156 I 2000s mg2144+1928 3.594 I 7200s mrc2104-242 2.491 I 7200s mrc2224-273 1.678 V 5040s - bright mrc0037-273 1.100 V 2880s - bright mrc0152-209 1.890 R 4800s - bright; nice ERO in field Paranal is gorgeous, the "hotel" (dorm) a dreamy high-altitude resort. Cheers, Daniel & Carlos