Subject: observing report: palomar ut 2005 august 12 Hey Gang -- It's coming up on sunrise, and we had a pretty good night. Seeing was generally subarcsecond. We had minimal, but some cloud -- which meant we could skip standards. The Perseids were beautiful. We got the following sources, all in the z-band -- which will be useful for studying the broad-band SED's of SHzRG galaxies and their environs. uss1410-001 25min 3c294 15min uss1558-003 25min 3c368 30min 7c1756+6520 2hr15min 7c1805+6332 45min 3c470 25min 6c*0032+495 25min 6c*0132+330 25min 3c65 25min Nighty night, Daniel Nick