Js and H band VLT/ISAAC data were obtained in Service Observing mode under programme ID 075.B-0729(B): 3C257 H 900s (15x6x10) 2005-04-18 Seeing ~1" 3C257 Js 1200s (10x4x30) 2005-04-18 Seeing ~1" MRC0037-258 Js 960s (8x4x30) 2005-06-22 0.8". Was also fully executed on 2005-06-21 but bad seeing (~1.5") MRC2025-218 Js 960s (8x4x30) 2005-05-21 0.7". Was also partly executed on 2005-04-20 but presence cirrus MRC2048-272 Js 1440s (12x4x30) 2005-04-21 ~1" MRC2104-242 Js 1440s (12x4x30) 2005-04-21 ~0.9" MRC2224-273 Js 1200s (10x4x30) 2005-04-21 ~0.9" TN-J1338-1942 H 1620s (27x6x10) 2005-04-18 ~1" TN-J2007-1316 H 1440s (24x6x10) 2005-04-21 0.9" USS1243+036 H 1440s (24x6x10) 2005-04-18 0.75" USS1410-001 Js 1440s (12x4x30) 2005-04-18 1.1" USS1707+105 Js 1440s (12x4x30) 2005-04-21 0.8". Was also fully executed on 2005-04-20 with cirrus USS2202+128 Js 1440s (12x4x30) 2005-04-21 0.9"