Notes on Photometry on the SHzRGS project

This is a brief note to explain the photometry of sources given in this site. Non-spitzer data has been culled from the literature and from our own hard drives. Some general points:
  • Conv: 1MJy/sr= 23.5uJy/asec
  • Error Conv = pixel rms x Conv x Ap Conv x sqrt(aperature area in pixels)
  • Table of IRS/MIPS data at bottom of page
  • all upper limits are 3 sigma
The '.dat' files

The second to last column 'D' contains a link to what data we have centrally. Clearly this is very incomplete so if you have any data please let me know. The link is a just an ascii file with the source name, redshift, filter code, filter name, aperature radius (in asec), magnitude, error on the magnitude, flux (uJy), flux error and finally (where needed) a reference code to the source of the photometry.

negative number     = upper limit (3 sigma)
-99                          = no data (or data not converted to/from Jy/magnitudes)
64 for aperature      = aperature equivalent to 64kpc (for K-band only)

The '.notes' files

The last column 'N' contains a link to a file with random notes on background info on the sources, including the output of my IRAC reduction code (see below).

The IRAC reduction output

The images:

The bcds were mosaiced and resampled at half pixel size (0.61") to improve resolution. The outlier rejection was optimised in the regions of highest coverage (ie 4 exposures) in the centre of the maps. It is clear where the coverage decreases as the noise goes up towards the edge. The upshot is that there are cosmic ray hits near the edge of the field. The bright ones should be obvious, but be warey of doing science on sources away from the regions of good coverage. Occaisionally there is stray light (mainly chans 1+2), but we have not removed them as it has to be done by hand and is a pain. However if an interesting part of the sky near your favourite source is affected, let me know and I'll have a go at removing it.  The files are found by following the 'RED' link. Also you may find a tarball of all IRAC fits images to date in that directory and here. A tarball of name lists, sextractor files and the regions file can be found here.

The regions file:

For those who use ds9 there is a ds9 regions file with all 70 sources here.

The photometry

After creation of the fits images we used Sextractor to extract the fluxes. We ran sextractor twice: once allowing it find sources freely and once using the aperatures from source detected in channel 1 (in order to get fluxes of faint sources at longer wavelengths). The fluxes where converted to uJy and we used an aperature of 7" diameter. For each channel the code created the following outputs which are in each '.notes' files:

aper corr         = aperature correction from in flight PSFs (from Mark Lacy)
RA                 = RA of the source found in channel one*
dec                 = dec  of the source found in channel one*
distance          = separation of radio position and RA dec above, always less than 10"
free fluxes      = fluxes from 1st iteration of SE with no aperature restrictions (uJy)
2 sigma           = 2 sigma limit in centre of field
1=upperlimit   = flag where 1 = no detection 1st time with SE
4band fluxes   = fluxes from aperatures defined by detection in chan1 (uJy)
errors              = errors on these fluxes (uJy)

* this may not be the true radio galaxy in some cases where there are mulitple counterparts, just the nearest to the given radio position.

The fluxes in both iterations of SE generally agreed as expected. Sometimes a weak detection was made at longer wavelengths in the second iteration and often in these cases I used the rms as calculated earlier for the error as it was more realistic (ie higher) than the error given by SE. Where no detection was made I have quoted a 2sigma upper limit.

The IRS reduction output

These consist of just two nodded exposures of the 16um peak-up imager. Latents are removed for the few images affected. Median of all images subtracted. Hotpixels replaced with median of each individual. Two difference images created, i.e. A-B and B-A. Negative spots (<-1x rms) replaced with +1x rms. Both images resampled by a factor 2/3rds and the average of these is taken (i.e. pixels size decreases from 1.8" to 1.2"). Conversion  e-/s  to uJy (+ aperature correction for 3"/2.5pixels radius) is 1.33 x(2/3)^2 = 0.591, the 1.33 is from Harry Teplitz. Error = rms x conv x sqrt(area of aperature) = rms x 0.591 x sqrt(pi x 2.5^2) = rms x 2.62.

The MIPS reduction output

24um and 70um images resampled by factor 2 when remosaicing with 24um being median filtered by a code by Mark and I. 160um images are just those from the pbcd pipeline.

Pixel (")
Conv to uJy
Aperature (")
Annulus (")
Aperature Correction
Image rms  to uJy
1 (assumed)

* including aperature correction