Notes on WN_J0617+5012 real source is very faint in chans 1+2 and ....? nearest source is this one 9" to the east channel 1 2 3 4 aper corr 1.13000 1.16800 1.15500 1.31600 RA 94.4167 94.4167 94.4167 94.4167 dec 50.2148 50.2148 50.2148 50.2148 distance 9.13115 9.13115 9.13115 9.13115 free fluxes 42.1630 27.7190 0.00000 0.00000 2 sigma 3.06362 4.09173 18.1814 19.5040 1=upperlimit 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 4band fluxes 42.1630 27.8720 6.42700 16.6060 errors 4.51100 3.21800 1.65100 2.39900 IRS not detected, but bright source found nearby