Notes on TN_J0924-2201 A&A 424, L17-L20 (2004) B. P. Venemans: overdensity of Lyman -alpha emitters for chan3 I should use 2sigma limit, but it looks like it might be real so I'm going with the detection channel 1 2 3 4 aper corr 1.13000 1.16800 1.15500 1.31600 RA 141.0827 141.0827 141.0827 141.0827 dec -22.0280 -22.0280 -22.0280 -22.0280 distance 2.15490 2.15490 2.15490 2.15490 free fluxes 11.3090 36.8410 119.354 0.00000 2 sigma 3.28392 4.47755 20.4178 22.3610 1=upperlimit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 4band fluxes 11.3090 11.4190 4.24700 -3.63300 errors 1.80100 1.86400 1.49300 -1.66200 24um: not seen??