Notes on MRC_0406-244 Subaru CISCO/OHS 15 min H band exposure VLT/ISAAC 160 min H band VLT/ISAAC 80 min J band (not Js, so problem with red leak) warning!! coincides with the solar flare in mid-January. therefore edges of chans 3+4 don't look good, but fluxes should be good. channel 1 2 3 4 aper corr 1.13000 1.16800 1.15500 1.31600 RA 62.2146 62.2146 62.2146 62.2146 dec -24.3045 -24.3045 -24.3045 -24.3045 distance 0.529430 0.529430 0.529430 0.529430 free fluxes 40.4440 40.8250 0.00000 57.4060 2 sigma 3.08307 4.35718 34.4441 29.0657 1=upperlimit 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 4band fluxes 40.4440 43.3430 23.1000 63.4510 errors 4.33000 4.62200 2.73500 6.56800 ** MIPS ** 24um: nearby source possibly increasing local background and hence over estimating flux ** revised - probably not ** 70um: nearby weak detection at ~40" - to far to be real counterpart 160um: extended source of 42.0mJy (at 2.6sigma)