Notes on 4C60.07 in IRAC1 aperature there may be contribution from the K-band companion channel 1 2 3 4 aper corr 1.13000 1.16800 1.15500 1.31600 RA 78.2297 78.2297 78.2297 78.2297 dec 60.5141 60.5141 60.5141 60.5141 distance 5.06445 5.06445 5.06445 5.06445 free fluxes 27.2830 16.4970 37.0340 101.721 2 sigma 3.38231 3.84373 16.8807 19.0088 1=upperlimit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4band fluxes 27.2830 33.6260 35.1200 37.2430 errors 3.12400 3.71500 3.82500 4.09700 nearby brighter source in IRS image