Notes on 4C41.17 X-ray luminosity < 4x10^43 erg/s (granada meeting) channel 1 2 3 4 aper corr 1.13000 1.16800 1.15500 1.31600 RA 102.7175 102.7175 102.7175 102.7175 dec 41.5085 41.5085 41.5085 41.5085 distance 1.55491 1.55491 1.55491 1.55491 free fluxes 24.7700 30.3320 39.1020 43.4950 2 sigma 0.775530 0.861018 3.38917 3.68765 1=upperlimit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4band fluxes 24.7700 30.4350 40.6120 43.5630 errors 2.55900 3.13000 4.09600 4.38300 # ch srcID bestflux errflux source 1 2009 23.386 2.353 4c41p17 2 498 27.522 2.769 4c41p17 3 1203 35.639 3.753 4c41p17 4 285 36.463 3.501 4c41p17 where these are the fluxes in the traditional 7" diameter aperture.