Notes on 3C_257 ISAAC: 3C257 H 900s (15x6x10) 2005-04-18 Seeing ~1" 3C257 Js 1200s (10x4x30) 2005-04-18 Seeing ~1" *** it's source A!!! *** confused by descrepancy between free fluxes and four band fluxes? I think they are finding different sources, see images. Will consult as to which is the real source. (assuming it's source A for now) channel 1 2 3 4 aper corr 1.13000 1.16800 1.15500 1.31600 RA 170.7881 170.7881 170.7881 170.7881 dec 5.5044 5.5044 5.5044 5.5044 distance 3.47123 3.47123 3.47123 3.47123 free fluxes 30.8840 34.7210 194.693 323.023 2 sigma 2.97215 4.88985 23.1311 28.9244 1=upperlimit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4band fluxes 30.8840 31.7720 16.3780 28.9380 errors 3.42600 3.51400 2.17400 3.31900 4band fluxes of sources nearby: A = bright source east of radio position B = next brightest source south of radio position C = v faint source south or radio position source ra dec 1 2 3 4 A 170.78920 5.50522 85.0 111 194 322 (8.7) (11) (19) (33) B 170.78813 5.50445 30.9 31.8 -23 28.9 (3.4) (3.5) (14.5) C 170.78874 5.50351 18.4 22.5 27.5 28.1 (2.3) (2.9) (11.6) (14.5) IRS: one source at position of source A