Deprecated List

Class alma.acs.component.StatefulComponentLifecycle
Early construction -- do not use this class yet, methods may change.

since ACS 6.0, will be removed with 6.1 or 7.0. Use the generated alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJIllegalStateEventEx instead. created Apr 15, 2004 4:45:45 PM

Class alma.ACS.MasterComponentImpl.tool.MasterComponentEventLogger
This is work in progress, don't use it yet!!!

since ACS 7.0.2, see COMP-1786. Will be merged into CorbaNotificationChannel which should be created directly without using this class.

since ACS 8.0.1, see COMP-1786. This class adds no functionality to SimpleSupplier and will be removed later.

since ACS 7.0.2, see COMP-1786. Class CorbaNotificationChannel will be used directly.

Member alma::acs::container::ContainerServices.getDynamicComponent (ComponentSpec compSpec, boolean markAsDefault)
use getDynamicComponent(ComponentQueryDescriptor, boolean) instead. if you need to set not only the standard fields component_name or component_type, but also the more advanced values component_code or container_name, please send a request to ACS so that access to these fields be included in the ComponentQueryDescriptor given to the recommended version of this method.

Member alma::acs::container::ContainerServicesBase.getCDB ()
use getDynamicComponent(ComponentQueryDescriptor, boolean) instead. if you need to set not only the standard fields component_name or component_type, but also the more advanced values component_code or container_name, please send a request to ACS so that access to these fields be included in the ComponentQueryDescriptor given to the recommended version of this method.

Member alma::acs::entityutil::EntityDeserializer.deserializeEntity (String xmlString, Class entityClass)
use deserializeEntity(XmlEntityStruct, Class) instead. With the addition of timestamp to EntityT, this method will produce binding classes whose XML data can't be stored in the archive.

Member alma::acs::exceptions::AcsJException.getACSException ()
ACSException should no longer be used since the new error framework generates type-safe corba exceptions with an ErrorTrace inside.

Member alma::acs::logging::RepeatGuardLogger.log (Logger logger, Level priority, String message)
since ACS 8.0.0. Use log(Level, String) instead, or isLoggingEnabled() if you need to log a batch of messages together controlled by one repeat guard.

Member alma::acs::logging::RepeatGuardLogger.logAndIncrement (Logger logger, Level priority, String message)
since ACS 8.0.0. Use log(Level, String) or log(Logger, Level, String, Throwable) instead.

Member alma::acs::logging::RepeatGuardLogger.RepeatGuardLogger (long interval, TimeUnit timeUnit, int maxRepetitions)
since ACS 8.0.0. Use RepeatGuardLogger(AcsLogger, long, TimeUnit, int) instead.

Member alma::acs::nc::AbstractNotificationChannel.createNotificationChannel (int type, String channelName, ContainerServicesBase cs)
use CorbaNotificationChannel directly

Member alma::acs::nc::AbstractNotificationChannel.getReceiver (int type, String channelName, ContainerServicesBase cs)
will be removed at the latest with ACS 8.0

Member alma::acs::nc::AbstractNotificationChannel.LOCAL

Member alma::acs::nc::AnyAide.arrayToCorbaAny (Object objs)
use one of the type-safe methods such as doubleArrayToCorbaAny(double[]). This method will be removed. HSO-20061221: It actually seems that this method is never used outside of this package. Probably it was more useful before we got the restriction that only IDL-defined structs can be sent as event data Thus we could also have the replacement methods like doubleArrayToCorbaAny with less than public visibility. (an inferred rule which I have not seen stated clearly).

Member alma::acs::util::AcsLocations.convertToContainerDaemonLocation (String host, String port)
because the daemon port is fixed.

Member alma::acs::util::AcsLocations.convertToContainerDaemonLocation (String host, String port, String protocol)
because the daemon port is fixed.

Member alma::acs::util::AcsLocations.convertToServicesDaemonLocation (String host, String port)
because the daemon port is fixed.

Member alma::acs::util::AcsLocations.convertToServicesDaemonLocation (String host, String port, String protocol)
because the daemon port is fixed.

Member alma::acsplugins::alarmsystem::gui::AlarmPanel.addSpecialAlarm (Alarm alarm)
this method will be deleted when the alarm system will run as a daemon or as an ACS service.

Member alma::acsplugins::alarmsystem::gui::CernSysPanel.addSpecialAlarm (Alarm alarm)
this method will be deleted when the alarm system will run as a daemon or as an ACS service.

Member antlr::ASTFactory.setASTNodeType (String t)
since 2.7.1

Member antlr::NoViableAltForCharException.NoViableAltForCharException (char c, String fileName, int line)
As of ANTLR 2.7.2 use {

Member antlr::Parser.panic ()
as of 2.7.2. This method calls System.exit() and writes directly to stderr, which is usually not appropriate when a parser is embedded into a larger application. Since the method is static, it cannot be overridden to avoid these problems. ANTLR no longer uses this method internally or in generated code.

Member antlr::Parser.setASTNodeType (String nodeType)
since 2.7.1

Member antlr::RecognitionException.getErrorMessage ()
As of ANTLR 2.7.0

Member antlr::RecognitionException.RecognitionException (String s, String fileName_, int line_)
As of ANTLR 2.7.2 use {

Member antlr::SemanticException.SemanticException (String s, String fileName, int line)
As of ANTLR 2.7.2 use {

Member antlr::Tool.panic (String s)
as of 2.7.2 use fatalError(String). By defaykt this method executes fatalError("panic: " + s);.

Member antlr::Tool.panic ()
as of 2.7.2 use fatalError(String). By default this method executes fatalError("panic");.

Member antlr::TreeParser.panic ()
as of 2.7.2. This method calls System.exit() and writes directly to stderr, which is usually not appropriate when a parser is embedded into a larger application. Since the method is static, it cannot be overridden to avoid these problems. ANTLR no longer uses this method internally or in generated code.

Member antlr::TreeParser.setASTNodeType (String nodeType)
since 2.7.2

Class cern.laser.guiplatform.capabilities.ConfigurationSetAsDefaultCapability
should not be used

Class cern.laser.guiplatform.configuration.GlobalConfiguration
should not be used, is repleaced by Configuration

Class cern.laser.guiplatform.user.User
replaced by cern.laser.console.User interface

Member cern::gp::actions::support::ActionUtils.addJButtons (JComponent comp, Class[] actionClasses)
-- tell us ( if you really need it!

Member cern::gp::actions::support::ActionUtils.createJButton (SystemAction act)
-- use createJButton(Action)

Member cern::gp::explorer::ListTableExplorer.ListTableExplorer (Class viewableBeanClass)
this method is only used for a real SortableTreeTableExplorer

Member cern::gp::explorer::ListTableExplorer.ListTableExplorer (Class[] viewableBeanClasses)
this method is only used for a real SortableTreeTableExplorer

Member cern::gp::explorer::ListTableExplorer.setTableColumns (Class beanClass)
use setTableColumns(Object) or setTableColumns(GPBean, String[]) instead

Member cern::gp::explorer::ListTableExplorer.setTableColumns (Class beanClass, String[] propNames)
use setTableColumns(Object, String[]) or setTableColumns(GPBean, String[]) instead

Member cern::gp::explorer::TableHolderImpl.calcNodeProperty (PropertyDescriptor[] propDescriptors)
-- not needed anymore, use setTableColumns(Object bean, String[] propNames)

Member cern::gp::explorer::TableHolderImpl.calcPropertyDescriptorsFor (Class beanClass, String[] propNames)
-- not needed anymore, use setTableColumns(Object bean, String[] propNames)

Member cern::gp::explorer::TableHolderImpl.setTableColumns (Class beanClass)

Member cern::gp::explorer::TableHolderImpl.setTableColumns (Class beanClass, String[] propNames)

Member cern::gp::explorer::TreeTableExplorer.setTableColumns (Class beanClass)

Member cern::gp::explorer::TreeTableExplorer.setTableColumns (Class beanClass, String[] propNames)

Member cern::gp::nodes::impl::NodeUtils.copyToNewGPNodeArray (GPNode[] origNodes)
-- this should use a FilterNode

Member cern::gp::util::NbAssert.assertTrue (boolean condition, String errMsg)
(use assertTrue() instead)

Member cern::laser::guiplatform::alarms::AlarmNodeManager.initNodeManager (Collection activeAlarms, CommentedAlarmMap list)

Member cern::laser::guiplatform::alarms::AlarmNodeManagerImpl.initNodeManager (Collection activeAlarms, CommentedAlarmMap list)

Member cern::laser::guiplatform::alarms::AlarmNodeManagerImpl.initNodeManager (Collection activeAlarms)

Member cern::laser::guiplatform::util::Constants.OUTPUT_MODE_NAME
never use

Member cern::laser::guiplatform::windows::alarms::AlarmTimestampsPanel.AlarmTimestampsPanel ()
do not use it, this is only for NB purposes

Member cern::laser::guiplatform::windows::behaviour::ConfigureBehaviourPanel.getSelectedBehaviuor ()
not implemented yet, probably is useless

Member com::cosylab::acs::maci::plug::ManagerProxy.getComponents (int id, URI[] curls, boolean activate, StatusSeqHolder statuses)

Member com::cosylab::acs::maci::plug::ManagerProxy.getDynamicComponents (int id, ComponentSpec[] components)

Member com::cosylab::acs::maci::plug::ManagerProxy.getServices (int id, URI[] curls, boolean activate, StatusSeqHolder statuses)

Member com::cosylab::acs::maci::plug::ManagerProxy.releaseComponents (int id, URI[] curls)

Member org::exolab::castor::core::exceptions::CastorException.getException ()
Please move to getCause().

Member org::exolab::castor::mapping::ExtendedFieldHandler.checkValidity (Object object)
No longer supported

Member org::exolab::castor::mapping::FieldHandler.checkValidity (Object object)
No longer supported

Member org::exolab::castor::mapping::loader::ExtendedFieldHandler.checkValidity (Object object)
No longer supported

Member org::exolab::castor::mapping::loader::FieldHandlerFriend.checkValidity (Object object)
No longer supported

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::dtd::parser::CharStream.getColumn ()

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::dtd::parser::CharStream.getLine ()

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::dtd::parser::InputCharStream.getColumn ()

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::dtd::parser::InputCharStream.getLine ()

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::Marshaller.getNSPrefixAtRoot ()

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::Marshaller.setNSPrefixAtRoot (boolean nsPrefixAtRoot)

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::schema::Group.isModelGroupDefinition ()
Since Castor 0.9.2, to handle properly the <group> element the class ModelGroup has been created

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::schema::Group.setIsModelGroupDefinition (boolean isModelGroupDefinition)
Since Castor 0.9.2, to handle properly the <group> element the class ModelGroup has been created

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::schema::writer::SchemaWriter.enable

Member org::exolab::castor::xml::validators::StringValidator.setFixedValue (String fixedValue)
since 0.9.4_beta

Member org::openide::actions::ToolsAction.setModel (Model m)
Useless, see ActionManager.

Member org::openide::windows::TopComponent.closeNotify ()
Use componentClosed instead.

Member org::openide::windows::TopComponent.getSystemActions ()
Use getActions() instead.

Member org::openide::windows::TopComponent.openNotify ()
Use componentOpened instead.
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