Device Drivers

Device drivers for all standard boards (motor control, analog, digital, serial…) and network protocols (serial communication, CAN bus[RD01 - 10.5.12 Field-bus],…) are provided as part of the ACS delivery, if they are not already part of the operating system, although development of device drivers is not direct responsibility of ACS. They will be typically provided as part of M&C software development and integrated into the ACS releases is considered necessary[RD01 - 12.2.1 Hardware Interfaces]. This integration must be taken into account both in the design of ACS and of Device Drivers.

A communication library working over CAN is already part of the M&C work[RD12] and has been harmonized with these concepts. For every CAN device there must be one or more Objects on the CAN bus master CPU, which are the abstract Characteristic Components corresponding to the physical CAN device.

Low level access to the CAN bus nodes iscompletely hidden to the general user (engineering applications can directly access the CAN nodes).