Command System

A command is the basic mechanism for communication from users to Distributed Objects and between Distributed Objects. A command is actually a method of a Component.

Commands are sent to Components [RD01 - 6.1.2. Commands] using remote method invocation. It is based on CORBA[RD01 - 10.4.1. CORBA][RD01 - 13.1.1. Distributed Objects and Commands].

CORBA provides full support for inter-process communication.

CORBA objects have a public interface defined with the IDL language[RD01 - 10.3.4. IDL]

CORBA objects can be remotely accessed by creating stubs and invoking the defined IDL interface.

Any language supported by CORBA can talk to any remote object, independently from implementation language and architecture. The Object Request Broker (ORB) does mapping of calls and marshalling.

CORBA defines a standard Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) that guarantees interoperability between any CORBA implementation and vendor based on TCP/IP. Any implementation must comply with IIOP, but a vendor can choose to additionally implement high performance transport protocols. For example there are native ATM implementations. Same-process messages are usually implemented as direct function calls while same-CPU messages are based on operating system message queues.

Other non-IIOP CORBA messaging protocols, supported by the ORBs used in ACS, can be used to satisfy special communication and security requirements.

A call to a method of a CORBA Component, based on its IDL interface, is what can and has to be mapped into the concept of Commands (the method call concept is very similar to RPC).

A command has a well-defined syntax and set of call and return parameters. Full context validation and syntax check of commands is always done when the command is received by the server application[RD01 - 6.1.4. Validation]. A command can also be checked by the sender, but this is not mandatory except in the case of generic command-sending GUIs[RD01 - 6.1.3. Syntax Check]. The syntax check would check that the command is valid and that the parameters are within the static ranges.

Commands are synchronous (the caller blocks and waits for a return reply, up to a defined timeout) [RD01 - 6.1.7. Mode] [RD01 - 6.1.8. Timeout]. Applications should take care of the fact that a synchronous call can block the whole application unless it is issued from a dedicated thread. Replies can be normal replies or error replies[RD01 - 6.1.1. Messages].

CORBA Asynchronous Method Invocation (AMI) [RD29] can be used to implement asynchronous calls on the client side using synchronous methods on the servant side. AMI is only supported by a few ORBs, for example TAO and JacORB, but not by omniORB.

Asynchronous command handling using synchronous methods on the servant side can also be done by starting a separate thread, which sends a synchronous command. This way the main thread is not blocked.

Asynchronous command handling can also be implemented using callbacks, in particular when multiple replies need to be sent. ACS provides support for Callbacks and uses callbacks for Monitors.

Using synchronous commands, time-outs are handled using CORBA messaging (implemented in TAO but not in other ORBs) [RD01 - 6.1.6 Command delivery]. Intermediate replies are not handled by ACS, but must be taken care of by the application. ACS cannot therefore warranty that requirement [RD01 - 6.1.9 Intermediate replies] is satisfied. This is let to applications.

Commands can be invoked from generic applications, that are able to browse the objects in the systems, show the available commands with the corresponding syntax, check dynamically the syntax of commands and send them[RD01 - 6.1.5. Programmatic use].

A server sub-system handling a command shall continue to operate if the client that has issued the command disappears, e.g. between a command being initiated and completed. In this case the server logs a non-critical error, since a well-behaving client should always wait for replies to initiated actions, and continues.

Components publish their interfaces via IDL interfaces. IDL allows use of inheritance to build new types. IDL allows only defining the pure interface in terms of parameters and types; it does not allow specifying range checking for the parameters. This checking has to be performed by the applications. IDL interfaces are registered in the CORBA Interface Repository (IREP) and made public.

Figure 3.19: Command System architecture

The implementation of checking functions and tools to implement command syntax checking both at the sender and receiving side of commands is provided by the Parameter package and Parameters have to be used when command checking is necessary.