Error definitions for ACS

Generated scanning the basedir /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/
Generated at Tue Mar 16 00:08:57 2010

The subsystem contains no duplicated errors

All the number of the errors are in the right range


49parsed candidate xml files
38error definition files found
189errors defined
143codes defined

The range of the error numbers for this subsystem is [0,9999]

The range for examples and tests is [900000,909999]

Errors and codes defined

Type definitions appear in bold
Duplicated error types are printed in Red
Errors with a number out of the allowed range appears Red italic underline

0 ACSErrTypeOK /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypeOK.xml
1 ACSErrTypeMonitor /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypeMonitor.xml
ACSErrMonitorError Error retreiving value for the monitor
ACSErrMonitorOnTimer A regular timer monitor triggered the event.
ACSErrMonitorOnValue The value changed by a specified amount or more.
2 ACSErrTypeAlarm /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypeAlarm.xml
ACSErrAlarmCleared All alarm conditions have disappeared.
ACSErrAlarmChanged At least one alarm condition remains.
ACSErrAlarmLow Value below alarm LoLo (includes hysteresis).
ACSErrAlarmHigh Value above alarm HiHi (includes hysteresis).
ACSErrAlarmSoftware An alarm on the status determined by software.
ACSErrAlarmHardware Hardware alarm.
3 PatternAlarmCleared /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/PatternAlarmCleared.xml
ClearedBit0 Alarm on bit 0 cleared.
ClearedBit1 Alarm on bit 1 cleared.
ClearedBit2 Alarm on bit 2 cleared.
ClearedBit3 Alarm on bit 3 cleared.
ClearedBit4 Alarm on bit 4 cleared.
ClearedBit5 Alarm on bit 5 cleared.
ClearedBit6 Alarm on bit 6 cleared.
ClearedBit7 Alarm on bit 7 cleared.
ClearedBit8 Alarm on bit 8 cleared.
ClearedBit9 Alarm on bit 9 cleared.
ClearedBit10 Alarm on bit 10 cleared.
ClearedBit11 Alarm on bit 11 cleared.
ClearedBit12 Alarm on bit 12 cleared.
ClearedBit13 Alarm on bit 13 cleared.
ClearedBit14 Alarm on bit 14 cleared.
ClearedBit15 Alarm on bit 15 cleared.
ClearedBit16 Alarm on bit 16 cleared.
ClearedBit17 Alarm on bit 17 cleared.
ClearedBit18 Alarm on bit 18 cleared.
ClearedBit19 Alarm on bit 19 cleared.
ClearedBit20 Alarm on bit 20 cleared.
ClearedBit21 Alarm on bit 21 cleared.
ClearedBit22 Alarm on bit 22 cleared.
ClearedBit23 Alarm on bit 23 cleared.
ClearedBit24 Alarm on bit 24 cleared.
ClearedBit25 Alarm on bit 25 cleared.
ClearedBit26 Alarm on bit 26 cleared.
ClearedBit27 Alarm on bit 27 cleared.
ClearedBit28 Alarm on bit 28 cleared.
ClearedBit29 Alarm on bit 29 cleared.
ClearedBit30 Alarm on bit 30 cleared.
ClearedBit31 Alarm on bit 31 cleared.
ClearedBit32 Alarm on bit 32 cleared.
ClearedBit33 Alarm on bit 33 cleared.
ClearedBit34 Alarm on bit 34 cleared.
ClearedBit35 Alarm on bit 35 cleared.
ClearedBit36 Alarm on bit 36 cleared.
ClearedBit37 Alarm on bit 37 cleared.
ClearedBit38 Alarm on bit 38 cleared.
ClearedBit39 Alarm on bit 39 cleared.
ClearedBit40 Alarm on bit 40 cleared.
ClearedBit41 Alarm on bit 41 cleared.
ClearedBit42 Alarm on bit 42 cleared.
ClearedBit43 Alarm on bit 43 cleared.
ClearedBit44 Alarm on bit 44 cleared.
ClearedBit45 Alarm on bit 45 cleared.
ClearedBit46 Alarm on bit 46 cleared.
ClearedBit47 Alarm on bit 47 cleared.
ClearedBit48 Alarm on bit 48 cleared.
ClearedBit49 Alarm on bit 49 cleared.
ClearedBit50 Alarm on bit 50 cleared.
ClearedBit51 Alarm on bit 51 cleared.
ClearedBit52 Alarm on bit 52 cleared.
ClearedBit53 Alarm on bit 53 cleared.
ClearedBit54 Alarm on bit 54 cleared.
ClearedBit55 Alarm on bit 55 cleared.
ClearedBit56 Alarm on bit 56 cleared.
ClearedBit57 Alarm on bit 57 cleared.
ClearedBit58 Alarm on bit 58 cleared.
ClearedBit59 Alarm on bit 59 cleared.
ClearedBit60 Alarm on bit 60 cleared.
ClearedBit61 Alarm on bit 61 cleared.
ClearedBit62 Alarm on bit 62 cleared.
ClearedBit63 Alarm on bit 63 cleared.
4 PatternAlarmTriggered /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/PatternAlarmTriggered.xml
TriggeredBit0 Alarm on bit 0 triggered.
TriggeredBit1 Alarm on bit 1 triggered.
TriggeredBit2 Alarm on bit 2 triggered.
TriggeredBit3 Alarm on bit 3 triggered.
TriggeredBit4 Alarm on bit 4 triggered.
TriggeredBit5 Alarm on bit 5 triggered.
TriggeredBit6 Alarm on bit 6 triggered.
TriggeredBit7 Alarm on bit 7 triggered.
TriggeredBit8 Alarm on bit 8 triggered.
TriggeredBit9 Alarm on bit 9 triggered.
TriggeredBit10 Alarm on bit 10 triggered.
TriggeredBit11 Alarm on bit 11 triggered.
TriggeredBit12 Alarm on bit 12 triggered.
TriggeredBit13 Alarm on bit 13 triggered.
TriggeredBit14 Alarm on bit 14 triggered.
TriggeredBit15 Alarm on bit 15 triggered.
TriggeredBit16 Alarm on bit 16 triggered.
TriggeredBit17 Alarm on bit 17 triggered.
TriggeredBit18 Alarm on bit 18 triggered.
TriggeredBit19 Alarm on bit 19 triggered.
TriggeredBit20 Alarm on bit 20 triggered.
TriggeredBit21 Alarm on bit 21 triggered.
TriggeredBit22 Alarm on bit 22 triggered.
TriggeredBit23 Alarm on bit 23 triggered.
TriggeredBit24 Alarm on bit 24 triggered.
TriggeredBit25 Alarm on bit 25 triggered.
TriggeredBit26 Alarm on bit 26 triggered.
TriggeredBit27 Alarm on bit 27 triggered.
TriggeredBit28 Alarm on bit 28 triggered.
TriggeredBit29 Alarm on bit 29 triggered.
TriggeredBit30 Alarm on bit 30 triggered.
TriggeredBit31 Alarm on bit 31 triggered.
TriggeredBit32 Alarm on bit 32 triggered.
TriggeredBit33 Alarm on bit 33 triggered.
TriggeredBit34 Alarm on bit 34 triggered.
TriggeredBit35 Alarm on bit 35 triggered.
TriggeredBit36 Alarm on bit 36 triggered.
TriggeredBit37 Alarm on bit 37 triggered.
TriggeredBit38 Alarm on bit 38 triggered.
TriggeredBit39 Alarm on bit 39 triggered.
TriggeredBit40 Alarm on bit 40 triggered.
TriggeredBit41 Alarm on bit 41 triggered.
TriggeredBit42 Alarm on bit 42 triggered.
TriggeredBit43 Alarm on bit 43 triggered.
TriggeredBit44 Alarm on bit 44 triggered.
TriggeredBit45 Alarm on bit 45 triggered.
TriggeredBit46 Alarm on bit 46 triggered.
TriggeredBit47 Alarm on bit 47 triggered.
TriggeredBit48 Alarm on bit 48 triggered.
TriggeredBit49 Alarm on bit 49 triggered.
TriggeredBit50 Alarm on bit 50 triggered.
TriggeredBit51 Alarm on bit 51 triggered.
TriggeredBit52 Alarm on bit 52 triggered.
TriggeredBit53 Alarm on bit 53 triggered.
TriggeredBit54 Alarm on bit 54 triggered.
TriggeredBit55 Alarm on bit 55 triggered.
TriggeredBit56 Alarm on bit 56 triggered.
TriggeredBit57 Alarm on bit 57 triggered.
TriggeredBit58 Alarm on bit 58 triggered.
TriggeredBit59 Alarm on bit 59 triggered.
TriggeredBit60 Alarm on bit 60 triggered.
TriggeredBit61 Alarm on bit 61 triggered.
TriggeredBit62 Alarm on bit 62 triggered.
TriggeredBit63 Alarm on bit 63 triggered.
7 ACSErrTypePythonNative /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypePythonNative.xml
Python A Python exception
8 ACSErrTypeCppNative /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypeCppNative.xml
CppAny Any C++ error
9 ACSErrTypeJavaNative /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypeJavaNative.xml
JavaAny Any Java error
JavaLang Java language error
Java3edPartyLib 3ed Party library error
10 ACSErrTypeCommon /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypeCommon.xml
FileNotFound File couldn't be found
OutOfBounds Out of bounds
IOError Input Output Error
Unknown Unknown Error
NoResources No Resources
MemoryFault Memory Problem
CouldntCreateObject Object couldn't be created
CouldntCreateThread Thread couldn't be created
CouldntAccessComponent Component couldn't be accessed
CouldntAccessProperty Property couldn't be accessed
CouldntPerformAction Action couldn't be performed
TypeNotFound Type Not Found
TypeNotSupported Type Not Supported
CORBAProblem CORBA Problem
IllegalStateEvent Illegal event sent to a state machine
NotImplemented Method or feature not implemented
GenericError An error occurred, see ErrorDesc member
NullPointer Null pointer error
IllegalArgument Illegal argument.
BadParameter Bad parameter error
UnexpectedException An unexpected exception has been caught
NotInitialized Not Initialized
CannotLoad Can not load error
ParsingXMLProblem Problem with parsin XML
13 ACSErrTICS /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTICS.xml
AnyTICSError Any TICS error
14 ACSErrTicsTCorr /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTicsTCorr.xml
AnyTICSTCorrError Any TICS TCorr error
15 ACSErrTypeCORBA /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypeCORBA.xml
FailedToResolveService Failed to resolve service reference.
CORBAReferenceNil CORBA reference is nil
NarrowFailed Narrow failed
17 ACSErrTypeDevIO /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSErrTypeDevIO.xml
ReadError Read Error
WriteError Write error
UnimplementedRead Read Method is not implemented
UnimplementedWrite Write Method is not implemented
20 baciErrTypeProperty /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/baciErrTypeProperty.xml
PropertyStaticData Error reading static data
PropertyCreation Error creating property
PropertyActivation Error activating property
PropertySetInitValue Error setting initial value
CanNotSetValue Problem to set value
CanNotGetValue Problem to get value
InvokeActionError Error in invokeAction
IncrementError Increment value error
DecrementError Decrement value error
ArchiveMonitorProblem Problem to archive a value
25 maciErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/maciErrType.xml
ComponentCreation Error creating component
CannotGetComponent Error retrieving component
ComponentNotAlreadyActivated The requested Component had not been already activated at request time
ComponentConfigurationNotFound The configuration for the requested Component could not be found
IncompleteComponentSpec Thrown if the resulting structure is not complete.
ComponentSpecIncompatibleWithActiveComponent Thrown if the resulting structure is incompatible with a component of the same name already active.
InvalidComponentSpec Thrown if there is no valid dynamic component found for given resulting structure.
NoDefaultComponent Thrown if no default component is found.
CannotGetService Error retrieving service
CannotActivateComponent Error activating component
CannotDeactivateComponent Error deactivating component
CannotRestartComponent Error restarting component
CannotRegisterComponent Error registering component
CannotUnregisterComponent Error unregistering component
CannotReleaseComponent Error releasing component
ComponentNotInUse Component is not in use
NoPermission No permission
LoggerDoesNotExist Logger does not exist
26 jmanagerErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/jmanagerErrType.xml
CyclicDependencyDetected A cyclic dependency between components has been detected
SyncLockFailed Failed to obtain Synchronisation Lock for component. Possible deadlock
27 acsErrTypeContainerServices /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/acsErrTypeContainerServices.xml
OffShootDeactivation Error deactivating OffShoot
OffShootPOA OffShootPOA error
GettingCompInfo Error getting ComponentInfo
CanNotGetCDB CDB can not be accessable
28 acsErrTypeLifeCycle /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/acsErrTypeLifeCycle.xml
LifeCycle Life cycle error
StartingThreadsFailure Starting Threads Failed
StoppingThreadsFailure Stopping Threads Failed
WrongInitialState Wrong Initial state of the component
29 acsQoSErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/acsQoSErrType.xml
CanNotSetTimeout Timeout could not be set
CanNotResetTimeout Timeout could not be reset
30 baciErrTypeDevIO /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/baciErrTypeDevIO.xml
ReadError Read Error
WriteError Write error
UnimplementedRead Read Method is not implemented
UnimplementedWrite Write Method is not implemented
31 acsErrTypeComponent /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/acsErrTypeComponent.xml
InvalidContainerServices ContainerServices is NULL
32 rtlogErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/rtlogErrType.xml
CanNotCreateLevelFIFO Level FIFO could not be created
CanNotCreateLogMsgFIFO Log msg FIFO could not be created
CanNotGetLevel RT Log level could not be got
CanNotSetLevel RT Log level could not be set
CanNotSetFIFOSize RT Log msg FIFO size could not be set
CanNotSpawnLoggingThread The Logging Thread could not be spawned
CanNotSetInitialLogLevel Initial Log level could not be set
GettingConfigurationDataProblem Problem getting configuration data.
33 ACSTimeError /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSTimeError.xml
OverflowOrUnderflow Numerical error
ArgError Bad format
InvalidID ID's bad
37 acsthreadErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/acsthreadErrType.xml
CanNotSpawnThread Thread could not be spawned
CanNotCreateThread Thread could not be created
ThreadAlreadyExist Thread already exists
CanNotStartThread Thread could not be started
CanNotSuspendThread Thread could not be suspended
CanNotResumeThread Thread could not be resumed
ExceptionInOnStart Exception in OnStart method
ExceptionInOnStop Exception in OnStop method
ExceptionInRunLoop Exception in runLoop method
ThreadExecutionProblem Problem in Thread Execution
38 acsncErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/acsncErrType.xml
WrongEventReceived Wrong Event Received
EventSubscriptionFailure Subscription failure
PublishEventFailure PublishEvent failure
42 taskErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/taskErrType.xml
TaskRunFailure Task run failure
43 objexpErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/objexpErrType.xml
ObjectExplorerReport Object explorer reports an exception.
ObjectExplorerInterfaceRepositoryAccess Object explorer reports problems with Interface Repository.
ObjectExplorerConnect Object explorer reports problems connecting to remote entity
51 cdbErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/cdbErrType.xml
CouldntReadCDB CDB data couldn't be read
CouldntWriteCDB CDB data couldn't be written
CDBRecordIsReadOnly CDB record is readonly
CDBFieldIsReadOnly CDB field is readonly
CDBReadoOnlyData CDB data are readonly
WrongCDBDataType Wrong CDB data type
CDBRecordAlreadyExists CDB record already exists
CDBException Unknow exception
CDBFieldDoesNotExist CDB field does not exist
CDBRecordDoesNotExist CDB record does not exist
53 ACSBulkDataError /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSBulkDataError.xml
AVFlowEndpointError Flow Endpoint error
AVStreamEndpointError Stream Endpoint error
AVStreamBindError Stream bind error
AVSendFrameError Send frame error
AVCouldNotOpenFile Opening file error
AVObjectNotFound Object not found
AVInitError Initialization error
AVCallbackError Callback error
AVProtocolError Data Protocol error
AVInvalidFlowNumber Invalid Flow Number error
AVConnectError Sender connect error
AVDisconnectError Sender disconnect error
AVStartSendError Sender startSend error
AVPaceDataError Sender paceData error
AVStopSendError Sender stopSend error
AVOpenReceiverError Receiver openReceiver error
AVReceiverConfigError Receiver getReceiverConfig error
AVCloseReceiverError Receiver closeReceiver error
AVCbFlowTimeout Callback Flow timeout
AVSetReceiverNameError Set receiver name error
AVSetReceiverError Set receiver error
AVNotificationMechanismError Notification Mechanism error
AVFlowNumbersNotMatchingError Flow numbers not maching error
AVCDBTimeoutError CDB timeout entry error
54 ACSBulkDataStatus /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ACSBulkDataStatus.xml
AVCbError Receiver callback error
AVCbReady Receiver callback ok status
AVCbWorking Receiver callback working status
AVCbTimeout Receiver callback timeout status
AVCbWorkingTimeout Receiver callback timeout and working status
AVCbNotAvailable Receiver callback not available
55 acsdaemonErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/acsdaemonErrType.xml
FailedToStartContainer Failed to start container
FailedToStopContainer Failed to stop container
AcsStartServices Status of ACS services start
FailedToStopAcs Failed to stop ACS services
ServiceAlreadyRunning The requested service is running already.
ServiceNotRunning The requested service is not running.
FailedToGetAcsStatus Failed to get ACS status
ProcessingAborted Processing was stopped.
CannotCreateInstance Cannot create requested instance.
CannotUseInstance Instance is in use and cannot be used.
FailedToProcessRequest Failed to process request.
BadArguments Command line arguments wrong or missing.
PortInUse Service port is in use.
RequestProcessingTimedOut Request processing has timed out.
60 lkmErrType /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/lkmErrType.xml
loadModulesError load Kernel Modules Error
unloadModulesError unload Kernel Modules Error
65 acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/acsErrTypeAlarmSourceFactory.xml
ACSASFactoryNotInited ACSAlarmSourceFactory not initialized
SourceCreationError Error creating a source
FaultStateCreationError Error creating a fault state
InavalidManager Invalid manager ptr
ErrorGettingDAL Error getting the DAL
ErrorLoadingCERNDLL Error loading the CERN-capable DLL
66 errTypeAlarmService /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/errTypeAlarmService.xml
AlarmsNotSent Error publishing alarms
904 ErrorSystemExample /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ErrorSystemExample.xml
NothingCanBeScheduledError Error in Scheduling System
PipelineProcessingRequestError Error with pipeline processing request
6666 JavaContainerError /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/JavaContainerError.xml
ContainerServices Generic wrapper for underlying exception
JavaComponentHelper Exception thrown by a Java component helper.
Container Generic exception in the container implementation.
8000 ArchiveIdentifierError /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/ArchiveIdentifierError.xml
IdentifierUnexpected An unexpected error occured in the identifier archive or UID-related classes.
IdentifierUnavailable The identifier archive is not available.
UidAlreadyExists Cannot replace an existing UID.
RangeUnavailable UID range not available.
RangeLocked The requested operation cannot be performed with a locked range of UIDs.
RangeUnlocked The requested operation cannot be performed with an unlocked range of UIDs.
RangeExhausted No more UIDs can be extracted from the Range.

Examples and tests

900903 JContExmplErrTypeTest /alma/ACS-8.1/ACSSW/idl/JContExmplErrTypeTest.xml
XmlComponentError Error in XmlComponent
JContExmplErrTest1 Test error 1
JContExmplErrTest2 Test error 2
JContExmplErrTest3 Test error 3
JContExmplErrTest4 Test error 4
JContExmplErrTest5 Test error 5
JContExmplErrTestOK Test OK

Subsystem scanned in 0.290 seconds.