ACS 8.1 Distribution

Current official revision is: Linux ACS 8.1.0 (RH 5.3)

From this page you get access to the ACS Installation Packages for Linux RH Enterprise and Scientific Linux.

For un-official portings of ACS to other platforms/Linux distributions look in the ACS discussions for non-ALMA projects on the wiki.

The ACS Distribution for Linux is available in two versions:

Online Documentation for this release is available here

ACS Download:

Distribution Downloadables and/or directory tree Notes

Linux LGPL binary installation 
+ Archive

ACS.tar.gz (ftp)

ACS-8_1_0-64bit.tar.gz (ftp)

This is the most convenient and faster installation, full binary. 

This distribution includes the ALMA Micro Archive. 
The installation procedure is here

To upgrade an LGPL binary installation to NO_LGPL for ALMA internal usage, follow the instructions here

The 64 bit installation has been tested with the unit tests of ACS and ARCHIVE, but has not been used by other Alma subsystems. It is released to encourage the other subsystems to also port to RH 64 bit. ACS will give limited support with 64 bit issues.

Public download.

Linux LGPL Directory tree Installation procedures are described in the README

Public download.

Linux NO-LGPL binary installation 
+ Archive + RTOS


This is the most convenient and faster installation, full binary. 

This distribution includes the ALMA Micro Archive and the RTOS support files in the ACS binary tree, but it assumes that the RTOS Kernel and tools have been or will be installed separately according to the standard procedure described here.

Once the binary distribution is installed, it will be necessary to set ownership and S-bit of some files.
Look a these FAQs for details.

Linux NO-LGPL Directory tree Installation procedures are described in the README
Linux NO-LGPL binary installation
+ Archive + RTOS + VxWorks

This distribution includes the VxWorks build of ACS and the tools for Linux, together with Archive and RTOS.
The Linux-Vx Installation Package is supposed to be used for VxWorks cross-development for ALMA, but this tar file does NOT include a VxWorks installation. For convenience we have included in the package a separate tar file with the complete VxWorks development environment configured for usage with ACS.

If you do not have a valid VxWorks licence, you cannot download and use this file (protected access).
For details see here.

This distribution includes the ALMA Micro Archive and the RTOS support file in the ACS binary tree, but it assumes that the RTOS Kernel and tools have been or are installed separately according to the standard procedure described here.

Once the binary distribution is installed, it will be necessary to set ownership and S-bit of some files.
Look a theseFAQs for details.

Linux NO-LGPL + VxWorks Directory tree Installation procedures are described in the README
VMware 6.0 virtual machine (NO-LGPL + Archive + RTOS) Download the following file and unpack it in a new directory:
Virtual machine config and disks 1, 2, 3

A complete virtual machine that can be run using VMware products such as Workstation, Server, or Player. It requires support for version 6.0 virtual hardware.
Installed is Scientific Linux 5.3 that is similar to the RedHat 5.3. used by Alma. ACS is pre-configured and installed.
Just unpack the downloaded files. Loot at the README included in the package for details.

This distribution includes the ALMA MicroArchive and RTOS kernel. Distribution is restricted to ALMA developers.

Documentation ACS Online documentation
ACS documentation downloadable as a single TAR file


History of ACS patches (acsBUILD versions/CVS tags) for this release

The following table shows the upgrade history of ACS 8.0 (updates will be done in case of important fixes or add-in additions). It also contains important notes on ACS 8.0, like major bugs discovered after the release. As a general rule, we will not update the official distribution files unless strictly necessary. The third column in the table shows the CVS tag that can be used to upgrade a standard ACS installation.

To perform an upgrade and to switch between multiple versions/patches of ACS look a this FAQ.

ACS 8.1 release history
CVS tag
ACS 8.1.0 official release for RH 5.3
(branch ACS-8_1_0-B for later fixes targeted at the OSF)
2010-03-03 ACS-8_1_0

CVS mirror

ACS source and tools are kept under configuration control in a CVS archive.

All parts of the ACS archive publicly available as LGPL are mirrored in read only mode in a publicly accessible CVS archive, while development is done on a separate CVS archive, that contains also some developments and tools that we cannot publicly distribute. The mirror is updated once a day.

For more information about the public CVS archive see the Wiki Tipic:

Here you find in particular:

RTOS Installation

RTOS support requires a proper Linux kernel with Real Time patches and libraries. The procedures to install the kernel and the real time support are described here: here.

VxWorks installation

ACS binaries for the VxWorks operating system are currently available for Linux cross development host (a Solaris VxWorks installation is needed to use Tornado tools)

For convenience we have included in the package separate tar files with the complete VxWorks development environment configured for usage with ACS on Linux.
If you do not have a valid VxWorks licence, you cannot download and use any of these files:

To install this file go in the ACS tools installation directory $ALMASW_INSTDIR and unpack the tar file with the command:

> gtar -xpzf <filename>

VxWorks branch of ACSROOT

ACS binaries for the VxWorks operating system are build under Linux cross development host.

In order to allow booting an LCU from a host where the development environment is not installed it is possible to install these binaries in some other host. We include here a tar file containing the whole set of VxWorks binaries from a Linux ACSROOT area: