#! /bin/ksh #******************************************************************************* # E.S.O. - ALMA project # # "@(#) $Id: buildAIPS++,v 1.2 2004/09/07 15:36:58 gchiozzi Exp $" # # who when what # -------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------- # psivera 2004-04-30 created # #************************************************************************ # NAME # # SYNOPSIS # # DESCRIPTION # # FILES # # ENVIRONMENT # # RETURN VALUES # # CAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS # The build will try to remove the same rpms that it # is going to install, before beginning the actual installation. # # The installation should be done as root. The rpms get installed # under /usr. ~650MB of space are needed. # # AIPS++ installation can be done on RH9 only # # EXAMPLES # # SEE ALSO # # BUGS # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # Install AIPS++. We presume that no previous AIPS++ installation # are present on the machine. For the moment (ACS 4.0) root priviledges # are needed. The installation will be done under /usr. # # See http://aips2.nrao.edu/daily/docs/reference/install.html for information. # # Retrieve the sources from: ftp://ftp.cv.nrao.edu/aips++/end-user-rpms # #set -x LOG=buildAIPS++.log CWD=`pwd` # exec > $LOG 2>&1 date OSName=`uname -s` if [ ${OSName} != "Linux" ] then echo "" echo "AIPS++ is supported on Linux only" echo "Script aborted" exit 1 fi OSVer=`cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{print $5}'` if [ "$OSVer" != "9" ] then echo "AIPS++ is supported on RH9 only" echo "Script aborted" exit 1 fi user=`whoami` if [ ${user} != "root" ] then echo "" echo "AIPS++ can be installed by root only" echo "Script aborted" exit 2 fi echo installing the AIPS++ distribution if [ ! -e ../PRODUCTS/AIPS++.tar.gz ] then echo "" echo Error: AIPS++ rpms are missing exit 3 fi cd ../PRODUCTS rm -rf AIPS++ gtar zxf AIPS++.tar.gz OSVer=`cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{print $5}'` cd AIPS++/rh$OSVer echo "Removing previous installed AIPS++ rpms, if any..." rpm -e gppshare+3.3-11-2ds rpm -e g77share+3.3 rpm -e gccshare+3.3 rpm -e aips++-devel rpm -e aips++data-base rpm -e aips++ rpm -e aips++-shared rpm -e aips++data rpm -e cfitsio rpm -e rpfits rpm -e pgplot-motif rpm -e pgplot echo "Installation of AIPS++ begins..." rpm -ivh pgplot* if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "" echo "installation of pgplot* rpms NOT successful" echo "please have a look at the $LOG file and fix the problem before continuing" echo "Installation aborted" exit 4 fi rpm -ivh cfitsio* rpfits* if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "" echo "installation of cfitsio* rpms NOT successful" echo "please have a look at the $LOG file and fix the problem before continuing" echo "Installation aborted" exit 5 fi rpm --ignoresize -ivh aips++* if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "" echo "installation of aips++* rpms NOT successful" echo "please have a look at the $LOG file and fix the problem before continuing" echo "Installation aborted" exit 6 fi rpm -ivh g77share* gccshare* gppshare* if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "" echo "installation of compiler libs rpms NOT successful" echo "please have a look at the $LOG file and fix the problem before continuing" echo "Installation aborted" exit 7 fi cd $CWD echo "" echo AIPS++ installation done! date