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Using Image Channels

 Images can be loaded into any of the different image channels (memories) of a display window, except the overlay channel. For data cubes the different planes can be loaded into different channels and then combined in their display (RGB mode) or viewed individually by blinking between the different channels.
The image channels are referenced by numbers 0, 1, ... . A typical command sequence would be:
/IMAGE galaxy 0 ! load an image in channel 0
LOAD/LUT heat ! load a colour look-up table
DISPLAY/LUT ! display a LUT bar at the bottom of the window
The most important commands associated with the image channels are:
LOAD/IMAGE - load an image into image channel
GET/IMAGE - read an image from the image channel
GET/CURSOR P5=w - read pixel values of displayed image using a zoom window
VIEW/IMAGE - explore an image already loaded
DISPLAY/CHANNEL - display image in selected channel
CLEAR/CHANNEL - erase data in an image channel
SCROLL/CHANNEL - scroll image loaded in channel
SHOW/CHANNEL - show status of image channel
BLINK/CHANNEL - blink between different channels

Petra Nass