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Command Summary

  Table 6.5 on the next page shows an overview of the graphic commands in MIDAS, listed in alphabetical order.

Table 6.5: Graphic Commands
ASSIGN/GRAPH [device_name] [spool_option]
CENTER/GAUSS in_specs out_specs [out_opt]
COPY/GRAPHIC [device_name] [plot_file]
CREATE/GRAPHIC [graph_id] [graph_spec]
GET/GCURSOR [out_specs] [app_flag] [max]
INTEGRATE/LINE frame [y_coord] [x_start,x_end] [no_curs,degree] [batch_specs]
LABEL/GRAPHIC label [x_pos,y_pos[,mm]] [angle] [size] [centering]
MODIFY/GCURSOR frame [y_coord] [x_start,x_end] [no_curs,degree]
OVERPL/AXES [x_axis_spec] [y_axis_spec] [x_scale,y_scale] [x_label] [y_label] [x_off,y_off]
OVERPLOT/AXES [coord_str]
OVERPLOT/COLUMN frame [x_coord] [x_sta,x_end] [offset] [l_type]
OVERPLOT/CONTOUR frame coord_str [contours] [sm_par]
OVERPLOT/DESCRIPTOR frame [descriptor] [start,end] [offset]
OVERPLOT/ERROR table column1 [column2] column_err [orient]
OVERPLOT/GRAY frame [coord_str] [gray_lev] [sm_par] [gray_ness] [options]
OVERPLOT/GRID [tick_opt]
OVERPLOT/HISTOGRAM table column [bin [min [max]]] [offset] [log_flag]
OVERPLOT/HISTOGRAM frame [offset] [log_flag]
OVERPLOT/KEY [key_word] [start,end] [offset]
OVERPLOT/LINE [line_type] [x_sta,y_sta [x_end,y_end]]
OVERPLOT/ROW frame [y_coord] [x_sta,x_end] [offset] [l_type]
OVERPLOT/SYMBOL [x_coord,y_coord] [s_type] [s_size]
OVERPLOT/TABLE table [column1] [column2] [s_type]
OVERPLOT/VECTOR frame_a frame_b [coord_str] [sc_x,sc_y] [scale_r] [pos_range] [sm_par] [head]
PLOT/AXES [x_axis_spec] [y_axis_spec] [sc_x,sc_y] [x_label] [y_label] [x_off,y_off]
PLOT/AXES [coord_str]
PLOT/COLUMN frame [x_coord] [x_sta,x_end] [sc_x,sc_y]
PLOT/CONTOUR frame [coord_str] [x_scale,y_scale] [contours] [sm_par]
PLOT/DESCRIPTOR frame [descriptor] [start,end] [x_scale,y_scale]
PLOT/GRAY frame [coord_str] [x_scle,y_scale] [gray_lev] [sm_par] [gray_ness] [options]
PLOT/HISTOGRAM frame [x_scale,y_scale] [log_flag]
PLOT/HISTOGRAM table column [x_scale,y_scale] [bin [min [max]]] [log_flag]
PLOT/VECTOR frame_a frame_b [coord_str] [sc_x,sc_y] [scale_r] [pos_range] [sm_par] [head]
PLOT/KEY [keyword] [start,end] [x_scale,y_scale]
PLOT/PERSPECTIVE frame [coord_str] [azi_angle,alt_angle] [sm_par] [xy_flag]
PLOT/ROW frame [y_coord] [x_sta,x_end] [sc_x,sc_y]
PLOT/TABLE table [column1] [column2] [x_scale,y_scale]
SET/GRAPHIC option1[=value1] [option2[=value2] ...]

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Petra Nass