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Plotting and overplotting axes

  The command PLOT/AXES  offers the users the possibility to draw a frame with certain ranges in x and y. The command is very flexible, since it accepts both the ranges in x and y and the scaling factors as input parameters. Also, the user has the freedom to select the location where the frame is to be drawn. The actual data points can be plotted with subsequent overplot commands (see example below). More coordinate boxes can be plotted using the command OVERPLOT/AXES   with the same parameter list as in the PLOT/AXES command. In the example below a series of plots is produced with plot and overplot commands. First, we start with a PLOT/AXES and an OVERPLOT/TABLE command, and then continue with three OVERPLOT/AXES and OVERPLOT/TABLE commands. The result is four graphs in the graphics window.
/graph g,0 ! assign graphic window 0
plot/axes 0,10 -1,1 -50,-70,10,80 ! plot the first axes
overplot/tab example ? #1 ! plot first coord. box
overplot/axes 0,10 -1,1 -50,-70,70,90 ! overplot second box
overplot/tab example ? #2
overplot/axes 0,10 -1,1 -50,-70,130,90 ! overplot third box
overplot/tab example ? #3
overplot/axes 0,10 -1,1 -50,-70,190,90 ! overplot fourth box
overplot/tab example ? #4
Alternatively, the system also offers a more simplier way of doing the same thing: instead of the PLOT/AXES and OVERPLOT/AXES commands we switch off the clearing of the graphics window first and continue with simple PLOT/TABLE commands.
set/graph clear=off ! erase switched off
plot/tab example ? #1 -50,-70,10,10 ! plot the fifth box
plot/tab example ? #2 -50,-70,70,10
plot/tab example ? #3 -50,-70,130,10
plot/tab example ? #4 -50,-70,190,10 ! plot the last box
For both the plot and overplot commands one can use the command SET/GRAPH XFORMAT=none YFORMAT=none   to switch off the tick mark labels along the axes. Of interest, especially for overlays, is another syntax of the PLOT/AXES and OVERPLOT/AXES command: it offers the possibility of drawing axes around (part of) an image displayed in the display window.

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Petra Nass