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  As an example of use of the table file system, we here describe the tutorial procedure executed via the TUTORIAL/TABLE command. This procedure uses a subset of the Uppsala General Catalogue. The format of the catalogue is defined in the file ugc.fmt as follows:
     DEFINE/FIELD  9 20 R G11.6 :RA   "HOUR"
     DEFINE/FIELD 21 32 R G11.6 :DEC  "DEGREE"
     DEFINE/FIELD 33 44 R G11.6 :DB   "ARC.MIN."
     DEFINE/FIELD 45 56 R G11.6 :DR   "ARC.MIN."
     DEFINE/FIELD 57 68 R G11.6 :BT   "MAGNITUDE"
     DEFINE/FIELD 69 80 R G11.6 :RV   "KM.SEC-1"

This file and the actual ASCII data in ugc.dat will be copied into your workspace. The first four lines of the data file have the following layout:

          0.0117       15.87       6.500       6.300       12.00       1047.
          0.0233       20.47       4.000       3.800       12.70         *
          0.2933       59.03       8.000       10.00         *           *
          0.3583       16.20       5.800       5.100       14.60         *
(The ruler, of course, is not part of the data file.)

This tutorial shows the usage of some of the basic table file commands to analyse and display the data set.

CREATE/TABLE ugc 10 700 ugc     ! create the table file (UGC.tbl)
NAME/COL ugc :RA  F11.3         ! change format
NAME/COL ugc :DEC G12.6         ! change format
SHOW/TABLE   ugc                ! display structure
READ/TABLE   ugc  @1 @30        ! display a few entries
PLOT/TABLE  ugc :DR :DB         ! plot diameters in red and blue bands
REGR/LINEAR ugc :DB :DR         ! linear regression on these variables
READ/KEY    OUTPUTD             ! and display stored coefficients
READ/HIST   ugc :BT             ! display results on terminal
PLOT/HIST   ugc :BT             ! and plot device
SELECT/TAB ugc :BT.LT.13.5      ! select brightest objects
STAT/TAB   ugc :DR              ! do statistics on the subset,
READ/HIST  ugc :DR              ! display the result
PLOT/TAB   ugc :BT :RV          ! and plot the selected set
SELECT/TAB ugc :RV.GT.4000.0    ! select new subset with largest rad.vel.
PRINT/TAB  ugc                  ! print them
COMPUTE/TAB ugc :MBT = :BT-25.-5.*LOG10(:RV/50)   ! compute abs.magnitude
NAME/COL    ugc :MBT "ABS.B.MAG."                 ! include units
COMPUTE/TAB ugc :SIZE = :RV*SIN(0.000291*:DB)*20  ! diameter
NAME/COL    ugc :SIZE "KPC"                       ! include units
PLOT/TAB   ugc :MBT :SIZE                         ! display result

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Petra Nass