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Simple MIDAS Session

  This section gives two examples of simple MIDAS sessions. The first one reads some frames from a magnetic tape, displays them on a monitor and performs some simple operations. The second one creates MIDAS tables and performs some simple operations. In the following examples, user input is written in bold face type while comments, (after an exclamation mark) are written in normal roman font.
$ inmidas
Midas 001> HELP INTAPE !get help for tape input
Midas 002> INTAPE * x TAPE1 FNN !lists headers of all files
!from tape mounted on TAPE1
Midas 003> INTAPE 2,16-17,31-33,52 CCD TAPE1!read files from TAPE1
Image ccd0002          : FF D V  20S      , naxis:  2, pixels:      337,   520
Image ccd0016          : DK BIAS 1S       , naxis:  2, pixels:      337,   520
Image ccd0017          : DK BIAS 1S       , naxis:  2, pixels:      337,   520
Image ccd0031          : DK      60S      , naxis:  2, pixels:      337,   520
Image ccd0032          : DK      60S      , naxis:  2, pixels:      337,   520
Image ccd0033          : DK      60S      , naxis:  2, pixels:      337,   520
Image ccd0052          : A0532-527 V  300 , naxis:  2, pixels:      337,   520
Midas 004> INTAPE 78 ccd image.fits !read fits file from disk
Image ccd0078          : A1029-459 V  40S , naxis:  2, pixels:      337,   520
Midas 005> CREATE/ICAT !create a catalogue of images
Image catalog with 8 entries created...
Midas 006> SET/ICAT !enable catalogue
Midas 007> READ/ICAT !list the catalogue out
Image Catalog:
No    Name            Ident                                  Naxis   Npix(1,2) 
#0001 ccd0002.bdf     FF D V  20S                                2   337   520  
#0002 ccd0016.bdf     DK BIAS 1S                                 2   337   520  
#0003 ccd0017.bdf     DK BIAS 1S                                 2   337   520  
#0004 ccd0031.bdf     DK      60S                                2   337   520  
#0005 ccd0032.bdf     DK      60S                                2   337   520  
#0006 ccd0033.bdf     DK      60S                                2   337   520  
#0007 ccd0052.bdf     A0532-527 V  300                           2   337   520  
#0008 ccd0078.bdf     A1029-459 V  40S                           2   337   520
Midas 008> STAT/IMA ccd0016 !compute statistics for this frame
frame: ccd0016   (data = R4)
complete area of frame  
minimum, maximum:               184.0000       16383.00 
at (   215,     2),(   337,   520)                       
mean, standard_deviation:       251.2245       880.0140 
3rd + 4th moment:              0.1305419E+11  0.2137182E+15                     
total intensity:               0.4402457E+08                                    
median, 1. mode:                16287.41       16287.71 
total no. of bins, binsize:          256       63.52549                       
# of pixels used =   175240 or 100.00 % of all possible pixels (=   175240)     
from     1     1 to   337   520 (in pixels)
Midas 009> STAT/IMA ccd0017
frame: ccd0017   (data = R4)
complete area of frame                                                   
minimum, maximum:               187.0000       16383.00
at (   113,     1),(   337,   520)                                              
mean, standard_deviation:       251.2514       880.0129                        
3rd + 4th moment:              0.1305419E+11  0.2137182E+15                     
total intensity:               0.4402929E+08                                    
median, 1. mode:                16287.30       16287.73                         
total no. of bins, binsize:          256       63.51373                         
# of pixels used =   175240 or 100.00 % of all possible pixels (=   175240)     
from     1     1 to   337   520 (in pixels)
Midas 010> CREATE/DISPLAY !create a display window
Midas 011> LOAD/IMA ccd0017 !display image
Midas 012> GET/CURS !read some pixels values from the image
cursor #0 
frame pixels          world coords       intensity 
frame: ccd0017
   334.0   166.0     334.000     166.000      228.000
Midas 013> EXTRACT/IMA ff = ccd0002[<,<:@330,>] !remove
!irrelevant columns
Midas 014> EXTRACT/IMA biai1 = ccd0016[<,<:@330,>]
Midas 015> EXTRACT/IMA biai2 = ccd0017[<,<:@330,>]
Midas 016> EXTRACT/IMA dk1 = ccd0031[<,<:@330,>]
Midas 017> EXTRACT/IMA dk2 = ccd0032[<,<:@330,>]
Midas 018> EXTRACT/IMA dk3 = ccd0033[<,<:@330,>]
Midas 019> EXTRACT/IMA ima1 = ccd0052[<,<:@330,>]
Midas 020> EXTRACT/IMA ima2 = ccd0078[<,<:@330,>]
Midas 021> STAT/IMA biai1
frame: biai1    (data = R4)
complete area of frame                                                     
minimum, maximum:               184.0000       497.0000                       
at (   215,     2),(   147,   408)                                              
mean, standard_deviation:       203.2299       3.752572                       
3rd + 4th moment:               8402620.      0.1709546E+10                     
total intensity:               0.3487425E+08                                    
median, 1. mode:                202.0980       204.2529                         
total no. of bins, binsize:          256       1.227451                         
# of pixels used =   171600 or 100.00 % of all possible pixels (=   171600)   
from     1     1 to   330   520 (in pixels)
Midas 022> STAT/IMA biai2
frame: biai2    (data = R4)
complete area of frame                                                     
minimum, maximum:               187.0000       613.0000                       
at (   113,     1),(   286,   473)                      
mean, standard\_deviation:       203.2554       3.836732 
3rd + 4th moment:               8406459.      0.1710918E+10                     
total intensity:               0.3487864E+08                                    
median, 1. mode:                201.6387       202.8706                         
total no. of bins, binsize:          256       1.670588                         
# of pixels used =   171600 or 100.00 % of all possible pixels (=   171600)     
from     1     1 to   330   520 (in pixels)
Midas 023> READ/DESCR biai1 STATISTIC !read descriptor statistic
frame: BIAI1   (data = R4)                                                      
STATISTIC      :                                                                
   184.0000       497.0000       203.2299       3.752572       8402620.
  0.1709546E+10   202.0980       204.2529       256.0000       1.227451        
Midas 024> COMPUTE/IMA ffb = ff-203. !biais correction
Midas 025> COMPUTE/IMA dk1b = dk1-203.
Midas 026> COMPUTE/IMA dk2b = dk2-203.
Midas 027> COMPUTE/IMA dk3b = dk3-203.
Midas 028> COMPUTE/IMA ima1b = ima1-203.
Midas 029> COMPUTE/IMA ima2b = ima2-203.
Midas 030> AVERAGE/IMA dk = dk1b,dk2b,dk3b !compute an
!average of DARK frames
dk1b processed ...
dk2b processed ...
dk3b processed ...
Midas 031> COMPUTE/IMA ffd = ff-dk !dark subtraction
Midas 032> COMPUTE/IMA ima1bd = ima1b-dk
Midas 033> COMPUTE/IMA ima2bd = ima2b-dk
Midas 034> COMPUTE/IMA ima1bdf = ima1bd/ffd !flat-field the frame
Midas 035> COMPUTE/IMA ima2bdf = ima2bd/ffd
Midas 036> LOAD/IMA ima1bdf
Midas 037> READ/DESCR ima1bdf LHCUTS
frame: ima1bdf   (data = R4)                                                    
LHCUTS         :                                                             
  0.0000000E+00  0.0000000E+00 -0.7500000E-01   1.992324      0.0000000E+00 
Midas 038> CUTS ima1bdf 0.,1.992 !modify display cuts
Midas 039> LOAD ima1bdf
Midas 040> READ/ICAT icatalog
Image Catalog:
No    Name            Ident                                  Naxis   Npix(1,2) 
#0001 ccd0002.bdf     FF D V  20S                                2   337   520  
#0002 ccd0016.bdf     DK BIAS 1S                                 2   337   520  
#0003 ccd0017.bdf     DK BIAS 1S                                 2   337   520  
#0004 ccd0031.bdf     DK      60S                                2   337   520  
#0005 ccd0032.bdf     DK      60S                                2   337   520  
#0006 ccd0033.bdf     DK      60S                                2   337   520  
#0007 ccd0052.bdf     A0532-527 V  300                           2   337   520  
#0008 ccd0078.bdf     A1029-459 V  40S                           2   337   520  
#0009 ff              FF D V  20S                                2   330   520  
#0010 biai1           DK BIAS 1S                                 2   330   520  
#0011 biai2           DK BIAS 1S                                 2   330   520  
#0012 dk1             DK      60S                                2   330   520  
#0013 dk2             DK      60S                                2   330   520  
#0014 dk3             DK      60S                                2   330   520  
#0015 ima1            A0532-527 V  300                           2   330   520  
#0016 ima2            A1029-459 V  40S                           2   330   520  
#0017 ffb             FF D V  20S                                2   330   520  
#0018 dk1b            DK      60S                                2   330   520  
#0019 dk2b            DK      60S                                2   330   520  
#0020 dk3b            DK      60S                                2   330   520  
#0021 ima1b           A0532-527 V  300                           2   330   520  
#0022 ima2b           A1029-459 V  40S                           2   330   520  
#0023 dk              average frame                              2   330   520  
#0024 ffd             FF D V  20S                                2   330   520  
#0025 ima1bd          A0532-527 V  300                           2   330   520  
#0026 ima2bd          A1029-459 V  40S                           2   330   520  
#0027 ima1bdf         A0532-527 V  300                           2   330   520  
#0028 ima2bdf         A1029-459 V  40S                           2   330   520
Midas 041> OUTTAPE icatalog,9-28 TAPE1 !save data on tape
File ff.bdf           written to tape with   241 blocks
File biai1.bdf        written to tape with   243 blocks
File biai2.bdf        written to tape with   243 blocks
File dk1.bdf          written to tape with   241 blocks
File dk2.bdf          written to tape with   241 blocks
File dk3.bdf          written to tape with   241 blocks
File ima1.bdf         written to tape with   241 blocks
File ima2.bdf         written to tape with   241 blocks
File ffb.bdf          written to tape with   241 blocks
File dk1b.bdf         written to tape with   241 blocks
File dk2b.bdf         written to tape with   241 blocks
File dk3b.bdf         written to tape with   241 blocks
File ima1b.bdf        written to tape with   241 blocks
File ima2b.bdf        written to tape with   241 blocks
File dk.bdf           written to tape with   241 blocks
File ffd.bdf          written to tape with   241 blocks
File ima1bd.bdf       written to tape with   241 blocks
File ima2bd.bdf       written to tape with   241 blocks
File ima1bdf.bdf      written to tape with   241 blocks
File ima2bdf.bdf      written to tape with   241 blocks
Midas 042> OUTTAPE icatalog,7-8 ima !save data on disk in FITS format
File ima1.bdf         written to disk>
File ima2.bdf         written to disk>
Midas 043> PRINT/LOG !print logfile on the default printer

Midas 042> BYE

you can see e.g. from Midas command #8, you can abbreviate commands and qualifiers (this is, however, not recommended when writing Midas procedures). Furthermore, you can omit qualifiers as in command #39, then the default qualifier of the command is taken. The command SHOW/COMMAND Midas_command displays the default qualifier of command Midas_command.
$ inmidas
Midas 001> CREATE/TABLE flux1 2 30 flux1 ! create table from ASCII file
Midas 002> SHOW/TABLE flux1 ! list table parameters
 Table : flux1                                 [Transposed format]
 No.Columns :       2    No.Rows    :        30 
 All.Columns:       3    All.Rows   :        32   
 Sorted by  Sequence    Reference  :  Sequence                              
 Col.#   1:LAB001           Unit:Unitless         Format:E15.6  R*4 
 Col.#   2:LAB002           Unit:Unitless         Format:E15.6  R*4
 Selection : ALL
Midas 003> READ/TABLE flux1 :LAB001 :LAB002 @1 @9 !read data from table
  Table : flux1

 Sequence LAB001          LAB002
 -------- --------------- ---------------
        1     4.71000e+03     1.12850e+04
        2     4.77000e+03     1.08300e+04
        3     5.05000e+03     8.77000e+03
        4     5.09000e+03     8.55000e+03
        5     5.12000e+03     8.34000e+03
        6     5.19000e+03     7.93000e+03
        7     5.23500e+03     7.73500e+03
        8     5.26500e+03     7.55000e+03
        9     5.39000e+03     7.00500e+03
 -------- --------------- ---------------
Midas 004> NAME/COLUMN flux1 :LAB001 "(sec)" F6.0 !change
! format and define unit
Midas 005> NAME/COLUMN flux1 :LAB002 "(erg/sec)" F6.0
Midas 006> READ/DESCR flux1.tbl HISTORY
HISTORY        :
CREA/TABL flux1 2 30 flux1 NULL TRAN
NAME/COLU flux1 :LAB001 "(sec)" F6.0
NAME/COLU flux1 :LAB002 "(erg/sec)" F6.0
Midas 007> STAT/TABLE flux1 :LAB001 !compute statistics of a column
Table : flux1                                                               
Column #   1 Label :LAB001           Type :R*4 
Total no. of entries :      30, selected no. of entries :      30 
Miminum value :   0.47100E+04, Maximum value:   0.96800E+04                  
Mean value    :   0.66437E+04, Standard dev.:   0.15539E+04
Midas 008> $more flux2.fmt
! format file flux2.fmt
DEFINE/FIELD 9 13 R F6.0 :LAB002
Midas 009> CREATE/TABLE flux2 2 8 flux2 flux2
Midas 010> READ/TABLE flux2
  Table : flux2                                               
  Sequence LAB001 LAB002                                                   
  -------- ------ ------                                                       
         1   9705   2750
         2   9930   2700
         3  10130   2655
         4  10150   2650
         5  10520   2580
         6  10740   2540
         7  11040   2485
         8  11570   2410
  -------- ------ ------
Midas 011> MERGE/TABLE flux1 flux2 flux !merge of two tables
Midas 012> SHOW/TABLE flux
 Table : flux                           [Transposed format]
 No.Columns :       2    No.Rows    :        38 
 All.Columns:       3    All.Rows   :        40                               
 Sorted by # Sequence    Reference  :  Sequence                              
 Col.#   1:LAB001           Unit:(sec)            Format:F6.0   R*4 
 Col.#   2:LAB002           Unit:(erg/sec)        Format:F6.0   R*4 
Selection : ALL
Midas 013> SORT/TABLE flux :LAB002 !sort table according to
!increasing values of a column
Midas 014> REGRESSION/POLYNOMIAL flux :LAB001 :LAB002 5 !polynomial fit
 POLYNOMIALS         Input Table :  UNION     Type : MUL L-S 
 N.Cases    :      38 ; N.Ind.Vars   :   1                                  
 Dependent variable  :   column #   1                                        
 Independent variable:   column #   2       degree :   5  
     0  4.4818E+04  
     1 -2.6778E+01                                                            
     2  7.4671E-03                                                            
     3 -1.0405E-06                                                           
     4  7.1309E-11                                                           
     5 -1.9126E-15                                                            

          R.M.S error    :     72.04152
Midas 015> SAVE/REGRESSION flux REGRE !save the result of
!regression in a descriptor
Midas 016> CREATE/COLUMN flux :FIT !create a new column
!in the table
Warning: Column overflow mechanism activated
Midas 017> COMPUTE/REGRESSION flux :FIT = REGRE !compute
!the results of the regression
Midas 018> READ/TABLE flux :FIT @1..4,@6,@9
  Table : flux                                                            
  Sequence       FIT                                                        
  --------   -------------                                                     
         1   1.1337231e+04
         2   1.0955642e+04
         3   1.0690593e+04
         4   1.0505399e+04
         6   1.0174703e+04
         9   9.7462227e+03
  --------   -------------
!create graphic window
Midas 020> PROJECT/TABLE flux newflux :LAB002 ! project one
!column of a table in a new one
Midas 021> INTERPOLATE/TT newflux :LAB002,:SPLINE flux :LAB002,:LAB001 0.001
!spline interpolation
!create graphic window
Midas 023> PLOT/TABLE newflux :LAB002 :LAB001 !plot table columns
Midas 024> SET/PLOT LTYPE=1 STYPE=0 !plot table columns
Midas 025> OVERPLOT/TABLE flux :LAB002 :SPLINE
Midas 026> SELECT/TAB newflux !select part of the table
Midas 027> COPY/TAB newflux result !copy selected table
Midas 028> OUTTAPE result.tbl result.fits !save file in FITS
!format on disk
Midas 029> BYE

Table 2.1: List of Tutorials
Command Description
TUTORIAL/ALIGN Explains the use of the ALIGN command
TUTORIAL/EXTRACT Demonstrates the extraction of a subimage from a father image
TUTORIAL/FILTER Displays some of the filtering options
TUTORIAL/FIT Shows the fitting capabilities
TUTORIAL/HELP Explains the usage of the HELP command
TUTORIAL/ITT Shows the effect of various Image Transformation Tables on an image
TUTORIAL/PLOT Demonstrates the plot package facilities
TUTORIAL/LUT Shows the effect of various Look-Up Tables on an image
TUTORIAL/PLOT Demonstrates the plot package facilities
TUTORIAL/SPLIT Shows the split-screen capabilities of the display
TUTORIAL/TABLE Demonstrates the table system

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Petra Nass