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Image Display

BLINK/CHANNEL 		 Blink between channels 
CLEAR/ALPHA 		 Clear the alpha-numerics memory 
CLEAR/CHANNEL 		 Clear and initialize memory channel 
CLEAR/DISPLAY 		 Reset monitor 
CLEAR/LUT 		 Bypass LUT in screen segment on monitor 
CLEAR/SPLIT 		 Disable split screen 
CLEAR/ZOOM 		 Clear zoom 
COPY/CHANNEL 		 Copy image memory channels 
COPY/DISPLAY 		 Hard copy of image display 
CREATE/CURSOR 		 Create cursor window
CREATE/ZOOM 		 Create zoom window
CREATE/DISPLAY 		 Create a display window (using Xwindow)
CUTS/IMAGE 		 Set display thresholds for image 
DELETE/DISPLAY 		 Delete the display windows
DISPLAY/CHANNEL 		 Display image loaded into channel 
DRAW/... 		 Draw rectangle and other figures in the overlay plane 
EXTRACT/CURSOR 		 Extract a subframe from the frame currently
EXTRACT/ROTATED 		 Extract a rotated subimage from displayed
EXTRACT/TRACE 		 Extract interactively a line from an image 
GET/CURSOR 		 Coordinates from display device by cursor 
GET/IMAGE 		 Read currently loaded image from channel 
INITIALIZE/DISPLAY 		 Initialize the image display
LABEL/DISPLAY 		 Write character string on display device 
LOAD/CURSOR 		 Display cursor into display device (DeAnza only)
LOAD/IMAGE 		 Load image into display device 
LOAD/ITT 		 Load an intensity transfer table 
LOAD/LUT 		 Load a colour lookup table into display unit 
LOAD/TABLE 		 Display table data on image display 
MODIFY/LUT 		 Modify the currently active lookup table 
SCROLL/CHANNEL 		 Scroll image on given channel 
SET/CURSOR 		 Set cursor form and position 
SET/DISPLAY 		 Define colour display control, size of screen etc. (DeAnza only)
SET/LUT 		 Enable use of colour lookup table 
SET/SPLIT 		 Enable split screen (DeAnza only)
SHOW/CHANNEL 		 Show information related to channel 
VIEW/IMAGE 		 Explore an image interactively
ZOOM/CHANNEL 		 Zoom image on display 

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Petra Nass