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MIDAS System Control

@@ 		 Execute a MIDAS procedure 
BYE 		 Terminate the MIDAS session  
CHANGE/DIRECTORY 		 Change the default (current) directory for MIDAS
CLEAR/CONTEXT 		 Clear current context level or all levels 
COMPUTE/KEYWORD 		 Compute values of a keyword 
CONNECT/BACK_MIDAS 		 Connect "command syntax" to another MIDAS
CREATE/COMMAND 		 Create a user command 
CREATE/DEFAULTS 		 Create special defaults for MIDAS commands 
DEBUG/PROCEDURE 		 Run MIDAS procedures in debug mode
DEBUG/MODULE 		 Run MIDAS modules in debug mode
DELETE/COMMAND 		 Delete a user defined command 
DELETE/DEFAULTS 		 Delete special defaults for command 
DELETE/IMAGE 		 Delete an image frame  
DELETE/KEYWORD 		 Delete user defined keyword 
DELETE/LOG 		 Delete log file 
DISCONNECT/BACK_MIDAS 		 Disconnect from a background MIDAS
ECHO/FULL 		 Show substitutions in program files 
ECHO/OFF 		 Suppress display of input from program files 
ECHO/ON 		 Display input from program files 
LOG/OFF 		 Disable logging  
LOG/ON 		 Enable logging  
PLAYBACK/LOG 		 Playback log file 
READ/KEYWORD 		 Display contents of keywords 
RENAME/IMAGE 		 Rename an image frame 
RUN 		 Execute program inside MIDAS 
SAVE/COMMANDS 		 Save commands from command window in a procedure 
SET/CONTEXT 		 Set new context level 
SET/FORMAT 		 Format for ``number-to-string'' conversion  
SET/MIDAS_SYSTEM 		 Set different modes and options for MIDAS
WAIT/BACK_MIDAS 		 Wait until command in background MIDAS terminates
WAIT/SECS 		 Suspend MIDAS monitor for no_of_secs second 
WRITE/COMMANDS 		 Store commands from a procedure into the command window
WRITE/KEYWORD 		 Store values into a keyword 
WRITE/OUT 		 Write out text

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Petra Nass