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Median estimate and scale estimates of an image
COMPUTE/PARAL ra dec st wave refw
Computes parallactic angle and atmospheric differential refraction
CONTINUUM/SPEC in out [radius/meth] [type] [smooth] [degree]
Fitting of a spectrum continuum by smoothing splines
CORRELATE/LINE table_1 table_2 [pixel] [cntr,tol,rg,st] [pos,ref,wgt]
[ref_value] [outima]
Cross-correlation between table columns.
Transforms a histogram image into the cumulated histogram
DEBLEND/LINE infile [fitim] [fitpar] [method] [contin] [input] [intab]
multiple component Gaussian fitting of spectral lines
DISPERS/HOUGH [wdisp] [wcent] fr_specs [line] [cat] [mode] [range] [vflag]
Determination of dispersion relations by HT
EXTINCTION/SPECTRUM inframe outframe scale [table] [col]
correct spectra for interstellar or atmopsheric extinction
FILTER/RIPPLE frame outframe period [start,end]
correct 1-dim. images for periodic ripple (Reticon)
GRAPH/SPEC [size] [position] [id]
Creates a long graphic window adpated for spectroscopy
HST/SPEC fits_wave fits_flux table
converts two HST FITS files providing wavelength and flux information
MERGE/SPECTRUM spec1 spec2 out [interval] [mode] [var1] [var2]
merge two 1D spectra
NORMALIZE/SPECTRUM inframe outframe [mode] [table] [batch_flag]
approximate continuum of 1-dim. spectra for later normalization
OVERPLOT/IDENTIFICATION [table] [xpos] [ident] [ypos]
overplot line identifications
REFRACTION/LONG inim outim [mode]
Differential atmospheric correction for slit spectra
REGRESSION/ROBUST tab y x1[,x2,..,xn] [file] [out_col] [res_col]
Robust multi-variate regression by Least Median of Squares
ROTATE/SPEC cat [root] [meth] [flip] [angle] [mode]
rotate (and optionally flip) a catalog of images
SEARCH/LINE frame w,t[,nscan] [table] [meth] [type]
search for spectral lines
VERIFY/SPEC file dir keyw [type]
low-level spec command checking the existence of calibration tables

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Petra Nass