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TEST1/CCD in_cat [out_id] [meth] [option]
Combine bias frames stored in a catalogue and display it
TESTB2/CCD in_frm [out_id] [row_ran] [col_ran]
Compute row and column average of a (averaged) bias frame
TESTB3/CCD in_frm [out_id] [area] [size] [option]
Find the hot pixels in a (combined) bias frame
TESTB4/CCD in_frm [out_id] [area] [size,fac]
Make a histogram of the pixel intensities and rebin the input frame
TESTB5/CCD in_cat [out_id] [area] [size,fac]
Do the statistics of the bias frame is a catalogue.
TESTBA/CCD in_cat [out_id] [meth] [row_ran] [col_ran] [area] [size,fac]
Do a series of tests of a catalogue of bias frames
TESTC/CCD in_frm [rows] x_pix [colums] y_pix
Compute the horizontal and vertical charge transfer efficiency.
TESTD/CCD in_cat [out_id] [dec_fac]
Do a test on a catalogue of dark current frames
TESTF1/CCD in_cat [out_id] [meth] [area] [exp_ran] [option]
Combine the flat frame in the input catalogue and display
TESTF2/CCD in_frm [out_id] [area] [thresh] [option]
Find the cold pixels in the combined low count flat.
TESTFA/CCD in_cat [out_id] [meth] [area] [exp_ran] [thresh]
Do a series of tests on a catalogue of low count flat frames
TESTS/CCD in_frm1 inf_frm2 [out_frm] n_exp [dec_fac]
Find the shutter error distribution
TESTT1/CCD in_cat [out_id] [area] [option]
Display the linearity and transfer curves of pairs of flat frames.
TESTT2/CCD in_tab [out_id] [select] [tim_int]
Fit the linearity cursves and determine the shutter offset
TESTT3/CCD in_tab [out_id] [select]
Fit the transfer curve and determine the ADU conv. factor and RON
TESTTA/CCD in_cat [out_id] [area] [tim_int] [select]
Do linearity and transfer tests on a catalogue of flat frames

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Petra Nass