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 Most of our support services are available via the World Wide Web Homepage

The MIDAS Users Support provides help for users that have problems or questions during installation or usage of the MIDAS system. It answers to questions cannot be obtained locally (e.g. through a manual) or after consulting our FAQ, please feel free to contact us for support. The most convinient and best way to contact us is using the ESO-MIDAS Problem Report Form that enable us to deal the reporting quickly using a set of processing tools. In addition this way of reporting offers us the possibility of maintaining a database of the questions and the update the FAQ listing.

The ESO-MIDAS Problem Form is available via the WWW and via the XHELP Graphical User Interface when running MIDAS. To start this interface enter: CREATE/GUI HELP. In case the ESO-MIDAS Problem Report System cannot be used the MIDAS User Support can be contacted via:

Requests and questions are acknowledged when received and processed as soon as possible, normally within a few days. Also, users are strongly encouraged to send suggestions and comments via the MIDAS Problem Report Form that enables quick processing of your request.

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Petra Nass