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Re: problem with the FFT/FPOWER

> > Midas 018>  crea/ima gauss1 2,512,512 1,1,1,1 POLY 1,1
> > Midas 019> fft/fpower gauss1 ? f1 f2 f3
> > (ERR) SCDCOP: gauss1.bdf + HISTORY - INPINV
> > (OSY) OSY_RVB  Invalid argument
> > Invalid input arguments to MIDAS routine.

Since it seems to be urgent, what about trying the following
workaround: Create the character descriptor HISTORY in gauss1.bdf,
should it not be present. Just a guess...



  Dr. Norbert Christlieb                Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany
  e-mail: nchristlieb@hs.uni-hamburg.de
  url:    http://www.hs.uni-hamburg.de/german/persons/christlieb.html