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ESO-MIDAS Problem Report System

Dear ESO-MIDAS users,

Recently, we have discovered that since the end of October the majority
of the MIDAS Problem Reports sent to midas@eso.org were not received by
our system. After investigating the problem, it was found that it was
caused by a conflict between our midas username and another system with
a midas account installed.

We are now in the process of fixing the problem. For the MIDAS Problem
Reporting Form (http://http.hq.eso.org/midas-info/midas-prform.html)
on the WWW a solution has already been implemented. Using this form 
your Problem Report will be delivered, and processed correctly. Until
the problem is completely solved, I suggest to use this interface or 
to sent me your MIDAS Reports by e-mail directly (rwarmels@eso.org). 

If you have sent us a problem report during the last month on which
you have not obtained a reply we invite you to re-send us the report
using one of two possibilities mentioned above.

We apologize for the inconvenience this problem has caused, and will
inform you once the difficulty has been resolved.

Yours sincerely,

Rein Warmels,
European Southern Observatory
Data Management Division/User Support Group
Rein H. Warmels                            Internet:  rwarmels@eso.org 
European Southern Observatory      ,__0    Fax:       +49-89-32006480   
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2      -\_<,    Voice:     +49-89-32006292 
D 85748 Garching bei M"unchen   (*)/'(*)  	      +49-89-320060