If your system is ready for the default installation, you can proceed with the next section.
If you want to modify the default configuration, you can use the user-friendly procedure CONFIGMIDAS. The following tasks can be invoked:
- MIDAS C compiler. - MIDAS display configuration. - MIDAS software configuration. - MIDAS installation. - MIDAS remove procedure. - MIDAS help.
One possible sequence of how to use CONFIGMIDAS could be:
select: 1 List of MIDAS packages available: All optional packages will be listed, and a brief description can be displayed. select: 2 Select C compiler: VAX/VMS or GNU C compiler. select: 3 Select display: Deanza, X11 etc... select: 4,5,6 Select only CORE, ALL or those packages of MIDAS of your own selection. select: 7 Run INSTALLMIDAS. select: 8 Clean MIDAS: To remove unnecessary files. select: q QUIT.
NOTE: See ['MIDASHOME'.95NOV .DOC.INSTALL]GCCVMS.PROBLEM file if you want to use the GNU GCC compiler.\
NOTE: You HAVE to run option 2 (Select compiler) and then option 1 (VMS C compiler) if your system is an OPEN-VMS machine.