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Installation of MIDAS

If you are satisfied with the selection of packages, you can start with the installation of MIDAS.

From the config menu, select option 6 - install MIDAS. The procedure will also check for the existence of the NAG mathematical library, the X11 library and the Motif library. For the NAG library, the procedure will create a dummy NAG library if you do not have one. Without the X11 library the installation will give some errors in /midas/98NOV/system/idiserv/src. MIDAS will be installed anyway but without graphic and display capabilities. And without the Motif library MIDAS cannot be installed with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).

The installation of MIDAS runs in the background. A log file is written in the temporary directory /midas/98NOV/tmp which can be checked for errors when finished. If you want to trace the output of the installation try the following command:

% tail -f /midas/98NOV/tmp/install.here_is_a_number

Petra Nass