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Graphic Devices

# @(#)agldevs.dat       6.5 (ESO-IPG) 11/30/93 11:09:37
#  /$MIDASHOME/$MIDVERS/systab/ascii/plot/agldevs.dat
#  Defines the graphics devices used by MIDAS.
#  Every line not starting with a hash (#) contains two entries, separated by 
#  a colon and a comment. The first entry is the system name for the device, 
#  the second one is the AGL driver name. 
#  In principle all graphics units, except for terminals, should be put into 
#  this file. This file is read in the plot package in order to check if a 
#  valid device is used. For those who need to install devices not used at ESO,
#  a number of examples are given at the end. 
#  The syntax for each line is simple:
#       <device>:<driver>:<node>:=<command>        # comment
#       where:
#             <device>  Is  the  identification  of  the  physical  device
#                       according to the rules of the operating system.
#                       The  special  device  TT stands  for  the  current
#                       user's  terminal and it is meaningful only in  the
#                       user's local configuration file.
#             <driver>  Is  the identification of the corresponding driver
#                       as  specified in the driver configuration  module.
#                       Some  drivers  require further  specifications  to
#                       select  specific  characteristics  of  the  device
#                       (this is device dependent) (e.g.: tkg.vt640).
#             <node>    Is  the optional specification of the remote  node
#                       (provided  for  future  support  of  device  in  a
#                       distributed environment).
#             <command> Is  the  optional command to be executed when  the
#                       device  is closed.  The = sign is required and  is
#                       not  part of the command.  The % sign may be  used
#                       within  the command to indicate the  place   where
#                       the  driver  generated file name must be put  into
#                       the command line.
# AT ESO WE ONLY USE THE <device> AND <driver> ENTRIES ***
# For further information please consult the documentation in the file
# /$MIDASHOME/$MIDVERS/doc/agl/aglinsta.doc 
# *** Here for the general terminal. Other terminal devices supported by AGL 
#     and MIDAS are below.
graph_term=tkg.vt640     # default DEC VT100 terminal with retrographics
#graph_term=tkg.cit101   # CIT101 with CIG 201 card
#graph_term=tkg.hds22    # HDS 2200
#graph_term=tkg.4010     # tektronix 4010
#graph_term=tkg.4014     # tektronix 4014
#graph_term=tkg.cit101   # CIT101 with CIG 201 car
#graph_term=vt125        # DEC VT125 Terminal
#graph_term=vt125        # DEC VT240 Terminal
# *** Here for the default image display (e.g. Deanza)
image_displ:idi.sxw0     # default image display
# *** Here for workstations
graph_wnd0:idi.sxw0g     # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 0 
graph_wnd1:idi.sxw1g     # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 1 
graph_wnd2:idi.sxw2g     # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 2 
graph_wnd3:idi.sxw3g     # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 3
image_wnd0:idi.sxw0      # IDI driver for workstation image window 0 
image_wnd1:idi.sxw1      # IDI driver for workstation image window 1
image_wnd2:idi.sxw2      # IDI driver for workstation image window 2 
image_wnd3:idi.sxw3      # IDI driver for workstation image window 3
# *** Here for the hardcopy systems device names 
ps0mmf0:pscript          # APPLE Laserwriter II
ps0mmf0.l:pscript.l      # APPLE Laserwriter II
ps0mmf0.p:pscript.p      # APPLE Laserwriter II
ps2usr0:pscript          # AGFA P400
ps2usr0.l:pscript.l      # AGFA P400
ps2usr0.p:pscript.p      # AGFA P400
ps2usr1:pscript          # HP LaserJet III
ps2usr1.l:pscript.l      # HP LaserJet III
ps2usr1.p:pscript.p      # HP LaserJet III
ps2vlt1:pscript          # HP LaserJet IIID
ps2vlt1.l:pscript.l      # HP LaserJet IIID
ps2vlt1.p:pscript.p      # HP LaserJet IIID 
ps3vlt0:pscript          # AGFA P3400
ps3vlt0.l:pscript.l      # AGFA P3400
ps3vlt0.p:pscript.p      # AGFA P3400
ps3vlt3:pscript          # HP LaserJet III
ps3vlt3.l:pscript.l      # HP LaserJet III
ps3vlt3.p:pscript.p      # HP LaserJet III
ps4ast0:pscript          # HP LaserJet IIISi
ps4ast0.l:pscript.l      # HP LaserJet IIISi
ps4ast0.p:pscript.p      # HP LaserJet IIISi
ps4ipg0:pscript          # Apple Laserwriter
ps4ipg0.l:pscript.l      # Apple Laserwriter
ps4ipg0.p:pscript.p      # Apple Laserwriter
ps4ipg1:pscript          # HP LaserJet III
ps4ipg1.l:pscript.l      # HP LaserJet III
ps4ipg1.p:pscript.p      # HP LaserJet III
ps5ast0:pscript          # HP LaserJet IIISi
ps5ast0.l:pscript.l      # HP LaserJet IIISi
ps5ast0.p:pscript.p      # HP LaserJet IIISi
ps5ecf0:pscript          # HP LaserJet III
ps5ecf0.l:pscript.l      # HP LaserJet III
ps5ecf0.p:pscript.p      # HP LaserJet III
pc2usr0:pscript.c        # Tektronix Phaser, paper
pc2usr1:pscript.c        # Tektronix Phaser, overhead
sl2usr0:pscript.c        # Agfa Chromascript 
hp2vlt2:hpgl.a           # Kyocera F-500
hp2usr0:hpgl.a           # HP 7550A pen-plotter, A4 
hp2usr1:hpgl.c           # HP 7550A pen-plotter, A3 
hp2usr3:hpgl.c           # HP 7550A pen-plotter, A3 
versa:raster.200         # MIDAS default name for the Versatec plotter
# *** Below a number of examples for HARDCOPY device not available at ESO.
#your_ln03:tkg.ln03      # your local LN03 plus laser printer (name your_ln03)
#exam_qms:tkg.qms        # your local qms laser printer (system name exam_qms)
#my_apple:pscript        # your Apple Laser Writer (system name my_apple)
# *** Here for the null device
null:null                # null device
unknown:null             # end of device file

Petra Nass