The first step is the same as in the previous example: Add an extra line in the file agldevs.dat:
laserprinter:pscript # new device name
The second step would be to include the MIDAS name and system name in the file
mdevice=laserprinter; export mdevice
Finally, in the procedure checkdev.prg a few lines should be included in order to recognize the new logical name. The addition should be done in the section ``MIDAS Logical names''. For this particular example these line should look like:
ELSEIF P1(1:3) .EQ. "MDE" THEN ! here for mdevice P1 = M$SYMBOL("MDEVICE")
In case of problems you could use the MIDAS command DEBUG/PROCEDURE. This enables you to execute the ASSIGN/GRAPHICS and the COPY/GRAPHICS command step by step and to find out where a device name is missing or misinterpreted.
Finally, whenever you modify your system please document this. E.g. add or modify some help documentation in the assigngrap.hlq, copy_grap.hlq, and the printe.alq files in /midas/98NOV/prim/help.