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Access to printer-devices in MIDAS

Printer-devices in MIDAS are used to print out text, graphics (plots) and images loaded onto the display window of MIDAS. In order to ease the installation a number of generic definitions of printer-devices used by MIDAS are defined in the file /midas/98NOV/monit/, like:

LPRINT for the main line printer (text output only)
LASER for Postscript b+w laser printer
PLASER has to be the same as LASER !!
COLOUR for Postscript color laser printer
SLIDE for film recorder (slides)
PENPLOT for a pen plotter (HP Graphics Language format)

You have to edit this file and assign the printer system names to the logical names above (if existing at your site).

Apart from these logical names also system names for printers can be used. However, the use of printer-devices for graphics output (plots) involves some extra installation work. A separate chapter, Chapter 3 Installation of Graphics Devices describes in detail how extra devices for graphics can be added.

Petra Nass