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Verifying MIDAS

To verify the correct installation of MIDAS you can now execute a set of verification procedures:

% cd /midas/tmp
% inmidas
Midas 001> @ vericopy

The vericopy procedure will copy the verification procedures and some data files to your working directory. Some of these procedures use, by default, the display facilities but they can be disabled with a given argument. To run a particular verification procedure:

Midas 002> @@ verifyXX

where XX can be 1,3,4,5,6,7,t1,t2 or dio, or if you want to run all of them (it stops if something fails), just type:

Midas 003> @@ veriall

The verification procedures are designed to exercise MIDAS commands and to compare results with internal and correct values. They should stop and report to the operator if the tests detect problems with MIDAS commands.

NOTE: Distributed with the official tape and under ftp a verification form is now included. We kindly ask you to fill this form once you have finished the installation and verification of MIDAS and return it to the address indicated or via email by using the ASCII format file provided in /midas/98NOV/install/unix/verification.doc

Petra Nass