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Setup of MIDAS

While the installation or update of MIDAS is still running, you can execute this step from the config menu by selecting option 8 - setup MIDAS. This script will ask you for five definitions that will be updated in your file /midas/98NOV/monit/syskeys.unix (default values are shown in parenthesis):
Name of the computer/system:
Max. 20 characters. The string will be appended to the message `MIDAS version 98NOV on ` and will welcome you when starting a MIDAS session.
Debugger command:
Max. 8 characters. Name of the debugger in your system (adb, dbx, sdb, xdb, etc) that will be invoked when running a MIDAS command with the DEBUG option.
Command to print a Postscript file:
Max. 20 characters. Command to send a Postscript file to a Postscript printer.
Command to print an ASCII file:
Max. 20 characters. Name of Command to convert an ASCII file into Postscript and then send it to a Postscript printer.
Email of the MIDAS administrator at your site (problem-report service
Max. 40 characters. Problem reports generated by the REPORT/PROBLEM and the Feedback... option in the Graphical User Interface HELP will be sent to this address. If your site does not a have a person responsible for such a service, the default is the MIDAS problem-report service supported at ESO.

The setup MIDAS will now configure some files needed for the start-up of MIDAS:


inmidas and gomidas are the front-end of MIDAS for users. helpmidas is a script to start a stand-alone GUI help for MIDAS, equivalent to execute crea/gui help within MIDAS. These files should be copied by the system administrator to a public directory (included in the PATH list) where users of MIDAS can access them by name (e.g. /usr/local/bin).

The command inmidas starts a MIDAS session. Type inmidas -help for a description of which options are available. Options can also be passed to MIDAS through their equivalent environment variables, but options passed by argument take preference over those defined in the environment.

Next is a list of nroff files for the UNIX man command. describing the syntax for the previous scripts and should be copied to a local man directory (e.g /usr/local/manl):


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Petra Nass