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Set up the graphics characteristics: graphics keywords

The graphics characteristics is controlled by a number of MIDAS graphics specific keywords. The contents of these keywords and hence the graphics setup can be read and written with a specific set of interface routines:

The MIDAS graphics keyword structure can be accessed in two ways. First, you can control the graphics setup in the same way as if you are using the command SET/GRAPH. In that case you are dealing with the keywords PLCSTAT , PLISTAT  and PLRSTAT. However, changing these keywords within our application program means that, like with SET/GRAPH, you are changing the user setup of the graphics system. To avoid this problem the setting of the coordinate box, scales, and offsets can be done via the keyword PLRGRAP. This keyword can be manipulated without changing the user setup. PLRGRAP also contains information about which part of a MIDAS image has been plotted. In case you plot image data using the high level graphics interfaces you should set these values correctly, in order to ensure correct output from the high level cursor routine.

The keyword PLCMETA  contains the name of active plotfile. The keyword PLCDATA  contains information about the data plotted. Although the content is not vital for the performance of the graphics package itself, programmers are advised to fill these keywords properly.

The values in the graphics keywords are not accessed by number but, similar to the SET/GRAPH command, by name. Below, you will find an overview of all relevant graphics keywords in combination with the names of the various entries, and their default values. The routine PCKDEF   (PTKDEF)  can be used to reset the keywords: PLCSTAT, PLISTAT and PLRSTAT to their default values.

keyword parameter length default description
PLISTAT PMODE 1 2 pmode mode (ranging from 0 to 2)
  FONT 1 0 font used (ranging from 0 to 6)
  LTYPE 1 1 line type (ranging from 0 to 6)
  STYPE 1 5 symbol type (ranging from 0 to 21)
  LWIDT 1 1 line width (ranging from 1 to 4)
  TWIDT 1 1 text width (ranging from 1 to 4)
  COLOUR 1 1 colour (ranging from 0 to 8)
  BCOLOUR 1 0 background colour (0 to 8)
keyword parameter length default description
PLRSTAT XAXIS 4 0,0,0,0 x axis frame limits and ticks
  YAXIS 4 0,0,0,0 y axis frame limits and ticks
  ZAXIS 4 0,0,0,0 z axis frame limits and ticks
  XSCALE 1 0.0 scale set by user in x
  YSCALE 1 0.0 scale set by user in y
  ZSCALE 1 0.0 scale set by user in z
  XOFFSET 1 -999.0 offset in mm set by user in x
  YOFFSET 1 -999.0 offset in mm set by user in y
  SSIZE 1 1.0 symbol size multiplier
  TSIZE 1 1.0 text size multiplier
keyword parameter length default description
  COLMODE 4 SUB colour mode: Sub or Xor
  CLEARGRA 4 ON erase for plot commands or over plot
  DEBUG 4 OFF debug mode: ON or OFF
  FRAME 4 AUTO AUTO scaling or SQUAre frame
  XFORMAT 4 AUTO format for values along the x axis or NONE
  YFORMAT 4 AUTO format for values along the y axis or NONE
  ZFORMAT 4 AUTO format for values along the z axis or NONE
PLCMETA PLNAME 80 unknown name of plot file
PLCDATA DNAME 60 unknown name of data stucture
  DTYPE 20 unknown type of data

keyword parameter length default description
PLRGRAP XWNDL 4 0,0,0,0 x axis frame limits and ticks
  YWNDL 4 0,0,0,0 y axis frame limits and ticks
  ZWNDL 4 0,0,0,0 z axis frame limits and ticks
  SCALE 3 0,0,0 scale parameters in x, y, z
  PIXEL 4 0,0,0,0 pixel area of BDF file plotted
  OFFSET 2 -999,-999 offset parameters in x and y

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Last update: 1998-10-23