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Label Names of Columns

The usage of standard label names for table columns makes the exchange of information in tables much easier. Thus, it is recommended to use the label names in the table below. A more complete list is being prepared.
Table: Recommended label name for table columns.
Label Format Unit Content
:IDENT C32 - Identifier of object
:WAVE R8 nm Wavelength
:FREQ R8 Hz Frequency
:FLUX R4 - Flux (undefined units)
:FLUX_W R4 - Flux (wavelength bins)
:FLUX_F R4 - Flux (frequency bins)
:BIN_W R4 nm Wavelength bin size
:BIN_F R4 Hz Frequency bin size
:ION C16 - Name of ion
:ORDER I4 - Order no. of echelle spectrum
:MAG R4 - Flux in magnitude units
:MAG_x R4 - Flux for color 'x' in magnitude units
:SKY R4 - Mean sky value
:PEAK R4 - Fitted peak value of object (-background)
:TRANS R4 - Transmission of filters
:RESP R4 - Relative Response of detectors
:RA R8 degree Right Ascension
:DEC R8 degree Declination
:EPOCH R4 year Epoch
:JD R8 day Julian Date
:MJD R8 day Modified Julian Date
:PM_RA R4 "/year Proper motion in Right Ascension
:PM_DEC R4 "/year Proper motion in Declination
:ST R8 hour Local Sidereal time
:UT R8 hour Universal time
:TIME R8 hour Time (undefined units)
:RV R4 km/s Radial velocity
:Z_RED R4 - Redshift expressed as z

Table: Recommended label name for table columns (cont.).
Label Format Unit Content
:XCEN R8 - Center coordinate of object in X
:YCEN R8 - Center coordinate of object in Y
:XERR R4 - R.M.S error in X coordinate
:YERR R4 - R.M.S error in X coordinate
:XFWHM R4 - Full Width Half Maximum of object in X
:YFWHM R4 - Full Width Half Maximum of object in Y
:X R4 - World coordinate of cursor in X
:Y R4 - World coordinate of cursor in Y
:VALUE R4 - Pixel value at cursor position
:VALUE1 R4 - Pixel value at cursor #1 position
:VALUE2 R4 - Pixel value at cursor #2 position
:XSTART R4 - Start coordiate of area in X
:YSTART R4 - Start coordiate of area in Y
:XEND R4 - End coordiate of area in X
:YEND R4 - End coordiate of area in Y

Currently some applications do not use these recommended column labels. Conformity to these label names will be made mandatory for future MIDAS releases.

=17 =1 =1994

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Last update: 1998-10-23