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Communication Interfaces
Module Version
Module XCX
Author: K. Banse, ESO - Garching
Language: C
Classification: standard interfaces, communication
- #include <midas_def.h>
- #include <xconndef.h>
This module contains the routines to open and close a connection to a
background Midas as well as routines for getting the status and other info
about the background Midas.
The functions provided are:
- Open a connection via ASCII files or sockets (XCZOPN, XCXOPN)
- Start a background Midas and open a connection via ASCII files or sockets (XCZINI, XCXINI)
- Close a connection (XCXCLO)
- Stop a background Midas and close the connection (XCXSTP)
- check status of background Midas (XCXSTA)
- get file descriptor of socket used in communication with background
Midas (XCXGFD)
Connections between a program (or a Midas session) and a background Midas
are done via ASCII files or sockets.
Using ASCII files limits the connections to the same host or different hosts
sharing disks but can bridge different host systems, like e.g. Unix and
Basic based systems.
Connections based on sockets can be established on the same host or over a
network but are limited to Unix systems supporting sockets.
Main arguments used by these routines are:
- midasunit
- unit of background Midas
- cid
- connection id of background Midas
Important: The environment variable MID_WORK must be set and point to the same
directory as the MID_WORK variable of the background Midas.
char *midasunit |
IN: unit of background Midas |
char *myunit |
IN: pseudo Midas unit of calling program |
char *direc |
IN: directory for send/receive files |
int *cid |
OUT: connection id of background Midas |
- Purpose:Open a connection to a Midas session using files.
- Remarks:`direc' = '
6#60', indicates we use MID_WORK directory
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= -1; problems with file communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -92; background Midas not running
= -99; variable MID_WORK not set
char *midasunit |
IN: unit of background Midas |
char *host |
IN: system name of host where background Midas is running |
int *cid |
OUT: connection id of background Midas |
- Purpose:Open a connection to a Midas session using sockets.
- Remarks:`host' = '
6#60', indicates local host
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -92; background Midas not running
= -99; variable MID_WORK not set
char *midasunit |
IN: unit of background Midas |
char *myunit |
IN: pseudo Midas unit of calling program |
char *direc |
IN: directory for send/receive files |
int maxtim |
IN: max. no. of seconds to wait until background Midas
is ready |
int *cid |
OUT: connection id of background Midas |
- Purpose:Start a background Midas and open a connection to that session
using files.
- Remarks:`direc' = '
6#60', indicates we use MID_WORK directory
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= -1; problems with file communication
= -2; requested Midas session could not be started
= -3; requested Midas session not ready after `maxtim' seconds
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -99; variable MID_WORK not set
char *midasunit |
IN: unit of background Midas |
char *host |
IN: system name of host where background Midas is running |
int maxtim |
IN: max. no. of seconds to wait until background Midas
is ready |
int *cid |
OUT: connection id of background Midas |
- Purpose:Start a background Midas and open a connection to that session usi
ng sockets.
- Remarks:`host' = '
6#60', indicates local host
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -2; requested Midas session could not be started
= -3; requested Midas session not ready after `maxtim' seconds
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -99; variable MID_WORK not set
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
- Purpose:Close connection to background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= -1; problems with socket/file communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
- Purpose:Stop background Midas and close connection to it.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= -1; problems with socket/file communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
- Purpose:Check status of background Midas.
- Returns:return status:
= 0; background Midas idle
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket/file communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
int *fid |
OUT: file descr. of socket used for connection |
- Purpose:Get file descriptor of socket used in communication with
background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
Module Version
Module XCC
Author: K. Banse, ESO - Garching
Language: C
Classification: standard interfaces, communication
- #include <midas_def.h>
- #include <xconndef.h>
This module contains the routines to send a command to background
Midas, to wait for return from a command which was sent to background
Midas before or to get the status of a command sent without wait.
The functions provided are:
- Send a command to background Midas (XCCSND)
- Wait until a command which has been sent to background Midas
finishes (XCCWAI)
- Read the execution status of a command which has been sent to background
Midas without wait before (XCCRDX)
ASCII files or sockets are used for the communication and the transfer of data,
depending on how the connection to the background Midas has been opened.
Main arguments used by the routines are:
- cid
- connection id of background Midas
- retstat
- returns Midas status from command execution in the background
Midas if communication o.k., else the communication error code itself
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *comline |
IN: command to be executed by background
Midas |
int secs |
IN: max. no. of seconds to wait |
int retstat[2] |
OUT: Midas status from Background Midas
(if we wait) |
- Purpose:Send a command to background Midas with or without waiting for
its termination.
- Remarks:`secs' = 0, indicates no wait
`secs'= -1; indicates that we wait forever
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 2; time out, `secs' seconds have passed without return
= -1; problems with socket/file communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
int retstat[2] |
OUT: return status from Background Midas |
- Purpose:Wait until a command is executed which has been sent to
background Midas (without wait) before.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k., retstat holds status from command executed
in background Midas)
= 2; time out, `secs' seconds have passed without return
= -1; problems with socket/file communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
int retstat[2] |
OUT: return status from Background Midas |
- Purpose:Read the status of a command which has been sent to
background Midas (without wait) before.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k., retstat holds status from command executed
in background Midas)
= 1; background Midas still busy
= 2; time out, `secs' seconds have passed without return
= -1; problems with socket/file communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
Module Version
Module XCK
Author: K. Banse, ESO - Garching
Language: C
Classification: standard interfaces, communication
- #include <midas_def.h>
- #include <xconndef.h>
This module contains the routines to read and write keywords of a background
The following keyword access routines can ONLY be used if the connection to the
background Midas has been established via sockets, i.e. via XCXOPN.
The functions provided are:
- Read contents of keywords of background Midas (XCKRDC,
- Write contents of keywords of background Midas (XCKWRC,
Main arguments used by the routines are:
- cid
- connection id of background Midas
- key
- name of keyword, max. 8 chars. long and must begin with an
alphabetic char.
- felem
- first element to be accessed, the very first element is indicated
by 1 (not by 0 as in C-arrays) for compatibility with the relevant
SCKRDx and SCKWRx interfaces
- maxvals
- maximum number of elements required
- actvals
- actual number of elements accessed, value returned by the
- unit
- unit of keyword, currently not implemented - just used as a
placeholder for now
- null
- no. of null values in keyword, currently not implemented - just
used as a placeholder for now
- kstat
- status from the corresponding SCKRDx or SCKWRx routine executed
in the background Midas
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *key |
IN: keyword name (max. 8 chars.) |
int noelm |
IN: no. of bytes per data value |
int felem |
IN: first data item to be read |
int maxvals |
IN: no. of elements to get |
int *actvals |
OUT: actual no. of elements returned |
char *values |
OUT: buffer for data values |
int *unit |
OUT: address of unit-pointer |
int *null |
OUT: no. of null values in keyword |
int *kstat |
OUT: status from SCKRDC in background Midas |
- Purpose:Read data from character keyword of background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -91; only non-socket communication established
- Algorithm:`actvals' will be set to the actual no. of values returned.
- Remarks:`noelm' > 1 enables you to use character arrays, where
each data value is in effect a char. string of `noelm' bytes
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *key |
IN: keyword name (max. 8 chars.) |
int felem |
IN: first data item to be read |
int maxvals |
IN: no. of elements to get |
int *actvals |
OUT: actual no. of elements returned |
double *values |
OUT: buffer for data values |
int *unit |
OUT: address of unit-pointer |
int *null |
OUT: no. of null values in keyword |
int *kstat |
OUT: status from SCKRDD in background Midas |
- Purpose:Read data from double precision keyword of background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -91; only non-socket communication established
- Algorithm:`actvals' will be set to the actual no. of values returned.
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *key |
IN: keyword name (max. 8 chars.) |
int felem |
IN: first data item to be read |
int maxvals |
IN: no. of elements to get |
int *actvals |
OUT: actual no. of elements returned |
int *values |
OUT: buffer for data values |
int *unit |
OUT: address of unit-pointer |
int *null |
OUT: no. of null values in keyword |
int *kstat |
OUT: status from SCKRDI in background Midas |
- Purpose:Read data from integer keyword of background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -91; only non-socket communication established
- Algorithm:`actvals' will be set to the actual no. of values returned.
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *key |
IN: keyword name (max. 8 chars.) |
int felem |
IN: first data item to be read |
int maxvals |
IN: no. of elements to get |
int *actvals |
OUT: actual no. of elements returned |
float *values |
OUT: buffer for data values |
int *unit |
OUT: address of unit-pointer |
int *null |
OUT: no. of null values in keyword |
int *kstat |
OUT: status from SCKRDR in background Midas |
- Purpose:Read data from real keyword of background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -91; only non-socket communication established
- Algorithm:`actvals' will be set to the actual no. of values returned.
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *key |
IN: keyword name (max. 8 chars.) |
int noelm |
IN: no. of bytes per data value |
char *values |
IN: buffer with data values |
int felem |
IN: first data item to be written |
int maxvals |
IN: no. of elements to write |
int *unit |
IN: unit-pointer |
int *kstat |
OUT: status from SCKWRC in background Midas |
- Purpose:Write data into character keyword of background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -91; only non-socket communication established
- Remarks:`noelm' > 1 enables you to use character arrays, where
each data value is in effect a char. string of `noelm' bytes
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *key |
IN: keyword name (max. 8 chars.) |
double *values |
IN: buffer with data values |
int felem |
IN: first data item to be written |
int maxvals |
IN: no. of elements to write |
int *unit |
IN: unit-pointer |
int *kstat |
OUT: status from SCKWRD in background Midas |
- Purpose:Write data into double precision keyword of background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -91; only non-socket communication established
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *key |
IN: keyword name (max. 8 chars.) |
int *values |
IN: buffer with data values |
int felem |
IN: first data item to be written |
int maxvals |
IN: no. of elements to write |
int *unit |
IN: unit-pointer |
int *kstat |
OUT: status from SCKWRI in background Midas |
- Purpose:Write data into integer keyword of background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -91; only non-socket communication established
int cid |
IN: connection id of background Midas |
char *key |
IN: name of keyword |
float *values |
IN: buffer with data values |
int felem |
IN: first data item to be written |
int maxvals |
IN: no. of elements to write |
int *unit |
IN: unit-pointer |
int *kstat |
OUT: status from SCKWRR in background Midas |
- Purpose:Write data into real keyword of background Midas.
- Returns:return status (0 = o.k.)
= 1; background Midas busy
= -1; problems with socket communication
= -90; invalid input to this interface
= -91; only non-socket communication established
=1 =11 =1992
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