The most important one is the library that contains the modules needed
for setting up the MIDAS Environment for your application. This
library is:
This library also contains the standard and table interfaces,
as well as the FORTRAN to C routines.
For VMS MID_DISK:['MIDASHOME'.'MIDVERS'.LIB]LIBGEN.OLB contains a library of useful subroutines for MIDAS programs ($MIDASHOME/$MIDVERS/lib/libgen.a for UNIX). These subroutines are written specifically for the MIDAS environment, i.e. they use MIDAS interface routines themselves and assume correct data will be found in descriptors like LHCUTS. They perform a variety of functions such as pixel conversion, minmax calculation, subframe extraction, etc. In addition, the library LIBDISP.OLB (libdisp.a) contains a number of useful high level display routines.
You may use any of the routines in these libraries but beware, we do NOT guarantee that these routines remain unchanged from one MIDAS release to the next! That is also the reason why these routines are not documented, e.g. their calling sequence has to be retrieved from the header info.
It is planned to build up a library of stable high level routines which will then be documented in a similar way as the `standard interfaces'.