This is a starter's guide for Midas. Section 1 is for basic interactive Midas, Section 2 for programming in Midas.
The official MIDAS page is at; you will find there a link to the full documentation. You may also find some useful hints and tips in the FAQ.
OK, now you can get started:
inmidas 00 : start midas, session number 00 (should be between 00 and 99)
inmidas -p 01 : start another midas without killing the 1st one ("parallel")
inmidas xx : start Midas without graphical capabilities.
helpmidas : help interface (sometime does not work in LinuX)
Use $ to pass the command to UniX
$ ls
$ more toto.dat
Warning: $ cd will not work as expected ($ starts a shell, in which
the directory is changed, then you exit from the shell and end up in the
original directory!). Use
CHANGE/DIR ../toto(warning for those using my login.prg: cd has been aliased to chan/dir, which is why it works as one though it should, but as it should not if it had not been redifined).
In the generic HELP, you will see that there are several topics between [brakets]; these are general help about these topics. I recomment specially HELP [DESCRIPTORS]
INDISK toto.fits toto.bdf(note that FITS is universally standard, but BDF changes from machine to machine, from midas version to midas version: NEVER archive BDF files).
As we are playing with images:
OUTDISK toto.bdf toto.fitswill convert an image from BDF to FITS.
Note that these commands also work on tables stored in FITS:
INDISK toto.fits toto.tbl
OUTDISK toto.tbl toto.fits
CREATE/DISPLAY creates a display window to look at images
Note that once the parameters are set, they are remembered for the considered image; next time, it is enough to do LOAD/IMA toto to reload it as the last time.LOAD/IMAGE toto.bdf
or with additional parameters:
LOAD/IMAGE toto.bdf cuts=100,1000 scale=-3 center=500,500cuts: min and max of the color scaleThese come with more fancy options:
scale: positive to zoom in, negative to zoom out
center: the pixel of the image set at the center of the display.
LOAD/IMA toto cu=f,i sc=fu ce=cecu=f,i: forces the minimum just below the mean of the image, the max
well above the mean. Works well on images
sc=fu: adjust the scale to see the whole image
ce=ce: center the center of the image
Note that the XY coordinates are given in 2 coordinate systems:
- "pixel coordinates": first pixel is 1,1, and they increase by 1 per pixel
- "world coordinates": a more complex coordinate system. Two cases are possible:
- simple image: x_world = (x_pixel -1) * x_STEP + x_START (and same for y), where STEP adn START are descriptors of the image. For example, on SuSI and EMMI (and many La Silla instruments), START is the first pixel of the window of the CCD, and STEP is the binning of the CCD. In that case, x,y_pixel are the number of the pixel of the image you work on, and x,y_world correspond to the "real" pixel of the physical CCD, no matter which window and bin are set.
As a consequence, if bin=1 and the whole CCD is read out, world=pixel
- World Coordinate System (WCS), e.g. for SofI and many instruments on the VLT: a more complex rule is set to convert the x,y_pixel into x,y_world so that x,y_world are the actual RA, Dec of the pixel.
As a convention in Midas, "world" x,y are typed as simple numbers, e.g. 123,456, while "pixel" x,y are typed with the @ symbol, e.g. @123,@456. So, in the LOAD/IMA example above, we centered the image on world coordinates 500,500, which may or may not be the same as @500,@500.While the pixel coordinates of a pixel can change if you do something to an image (e.g. crop it), its world coordinates will always be preserved whatever you do (unless of course you mess around with the START and STEP).
STAT/IMA ? cursor
you can specify that you want the statistics of only a sub-region.
Measure with Mouse-left, exit with Mouse-middle
Beware of combining both:
STAT/IMA toto cursor
can give rather stupid results as you define the region on the image
that is displayed, and you measure on toto.bdf, which might be another
READ/DES toto *
will read _all_ the descriptors (there might be many...)READ/DES toto ESO.INS.FILT1.NAME
will read one of the descriptorSome useful ones:
O_TIME contains the date of the image in different formats and the exposure time
O_POS contains the RA and Dec (in degrees, although some telescope store this in hours and deg, which is wrong...)
START the world coordinates of the first pixel (usually the first pixel of a subwindow defined to read the CCD).
STEP the size a pixel in world coordinates (usually the bin of the CCD)
COMP/IMA toto.bdf = ( image - bias ) / flat / 900.will do exactly what it seems it will do: make the difference between image and bias, divide the result by flat, and finally divide the result by number 900.
Some notes:
These are really usefull, as many commands can be executed on a
whole catalogue. In the example below, I use only ICATs, but it works the
same for the others:
Note that you can NOT create new files with different names: this will
NOT work as you could think it would.
EXEC/CAT comp = / 1000.
To do that, you should use a small procedure, c.f. STOR/FRAM in Section
READ/TABLE toto reads the whole table
READ/TABLE toto @1 #1 #2 #3 reads only line 1, columns Nr 1, 2 and 3
READ/TABLE toto :xcent :ycent reads only columns named :xcent and :ycent, all the lines.
COMP/TAB toto :out = :x + :y arithmetics; there are many pre-defined functions, cf HELP COMP/TAB
SELECT/TABLE toto :xcent .ge. 0. will select the lines for which the condition is true
SELECT/TABLE toto all re-select the whole table. Note that a COMP/TAB reselects the whole table too
SORT/TAB toto :x :y sort the table along :x, then :y. Be careful when doing a sort on a SELECTed table, then reading out the result. May be better to re-do the SELECT
Oh, yes. In case you did not find out, the command to exit is
Midas procedures are expected to have the .prg extension, and they are called using @@:
@@ example 1234 toto.bdf out.fitswill call example.prg, passing 1234, toto.bdf and out.fits as parameters.
The procedures are looked for
- first in the local directory
- second in the ~/midwork directory
Note that comments are marked with ! :
LOAD/IMA toto.bdf ! everything after a ! is a comment
Local variables are known only inside the procedure, while global
variables (called keywords) are known everywhere.
Use global variables only when needed, because
- the total space for global variable is limited (big, but limited)
- once defined, you have to keep the definition compatible (i.e. if
you define i as global integer, you cannot redefine it later as real, unless
you DELETE/KEY i first)
DEFI/PAR P1 C "input catalogue"
DEFI/PAR P2 ? N "size" ! note that no default is given
DEFI/PAR P3 ? ? "something" ! type is free
In a procedure, you can use a variable either DIRECTLY, as in
COMP/KEY result = toto1 + toto2in that case, the variable is used with its full precision, or use its SUBSTITUTED VALUE, putting it between {}, as in
COMP/KEY result = {toto1} + {toto2}In that later case, the {toto1} is first substituted using the current format, and THAT value is used.
As a general rule:
DEFI/LOC toto1/r/1/1 1.001
DEFI/LOC toto2/r/1/1 2.002
DEFI/LOC result/r/1/1 0
result = toto1 + toto2 -3 ! note that COMP/KEY is implicit
READ/KEY resultSET/FORM f5.2
result = {toto1} + {toto2} -3
READ/KEY result
Midas 011: @@ toto
keyword: RESULT type: real no_elems: 1 modtime: 1003791723
keyword: RESULT type: real no_elems: 1 modtime: 1003791723
The first COMP/KEY was executed in full precision, the second in the precision of the format!
(note that {toto} used to be written 'toto' - you might still find
it in old programs; it is obsolete, as you cannot nest them, as in {toto{i}}
The format is defined as in FORTRAN, with the following syntax:
SET/FORM Format_for_integer format_for_real,format_for_double_precision(note the , ), e.g.
SET/FORM I5 F5.2,E15.5
M$ABS(arg) M$LN, M$LOG10, M$EXP, M$SIN, M$COS, M$TAN(arg), M$SQRT, M$ASIN, M$ACOS and M$ATAN(arg)
Some special functions are also defined, e.g. M$EXIST(arg) returns 1/0, if file contained in character key `arg' exists or not. There are many M$EXIST* functions, most of then useful. Refer to HELP COMP/KEY for complete description
NOTE that many of the math functions (e.g. M$LOG) also have a counter-part for images,
COMP/IMA res = log(ima)or for tables,
COMP/TAB table :res = log(:input)In those cases, there is no M$, which is only for keywords (what do you mean, "confusing"? M$ is only for keywords, not for tables nor images. Simple).
IF something .condition. something THEN.condition. is like in FORTRAN: .le. .lt. .eq. .ge. .gt. .ne.
write/out "it is true"
write/out "it is false"
ELSE can be ommitted.
if clei .eq. 4 thenSame remark than above about substituted and direct use of the variables; the condition above could be written
write/out "Loading result..."
load/ima 'p1'
clea/ch ov
clei = 0
write/out "not loading yet"
IF {clei} .EQ. 4 THENor even
IF "{clei}" .EQ. "0004" THENassuming format set to I4).
DO variable = start end stepNote that
write/out {variable}
DO LL = 22 OUTPUTI(4) -2
(do I still need to make a remark about substituted variables?)
Goto is quite useful (I don't want to hear comments about GOTOs
being unelegant, outdated, etc... the ARE useful). The command is
GOTO LABELWhere LABEL is a label located somewhere else, marked with :, as in:
again:which simulate a DO-WHILE loop.
! ( note the : after again: this is a label )
... ! some other stuffif i .ge. 0 then
goto again:
Example and notes:
STORE/FRAME key frame [indx] [exit_label]
key = name of keyword where frame or catalog entry will be stored in
frame = name of frame (syntax = nnnnn) (a)
name of catalog (syntax = (b)
indx = index into local keyword CATAL, only used with option (b);
defaulted to 1, i.e. use CATAL(1)
exit_label = label to jump to on termination of catalog processing,
only used with option (b)
DEFINE/LOCAL CATAL/I/1/1 0 ! you NEED it, and it MUST be called CATALNotes:
CAT_LOOP: ! label for the beginning of the loop
.... commands using frames stored in key IN_A, eg
COMP/IMA new_{IN_A} = ({IN_A} - bias)/ff
LOAD/IMA new_{IN_A} cu=f,i sc=fu
GOTO CAT_LOOP ! loop the loopFINITO: ! jump here when the catalogue is finished
.... any other commands ....
COMP/IMA mag_{inima} = -2.5* log10( ({inima} - {bias})/{ff} ) + {ZP}will be interpretted as
COMP/IMA mag_ntt0012 = -2.5*log10((ntt0012 -bias_night1)/ff_night1)+26.42(note the combination of images and numbers).
DEFI/LOC exp/r/1/1 voila. If the name of the image is in a variable (for instance the parameter P1), just nest the {}:
exp = {ima.bdf,O_TIME(7)}
exp = {{p1},O_TIME(7)}Note that this is a case of variable substitution. Beware of the format.
In the case of tables, it is the same trick, but you have to specify the .tbl extension.
table_length = {{p1}.tbl,TBLCONTR(10)} ! remark: in this example, P1 is expected to come without the .tbl, so we add it.Note that TBLCONTR(10) is the length of the table
x = {table.tbl,:x,@1}of more fancy:
x = {{myTable},:{myColumn},@{i}}
If you want to write in one element:
{myTable},:mjd,@{i} = JD - 250000.5(note that the left side is NOT surrounded by {}! Go and re-read the section on variable substitution if it is not clear!)
stat/ima {p1}In addition to the previous output in OUTPUT*, many commands can output their results in table, cf the help of CENT/GAU, MAGN/CIR, etc...
min = outputr(1)
max = outputr(2)
mean = outputr(3)
sigma = outputr(4)
median = outputr(7)
In the case of tables: any table has two special columns
SEQ which contains the number of the line (in the current way of sorting it!)
SEL which is set to 1 if the line is selected, 0 if not. So, if you want to make an additional selection to something already selected:SELEC/TAB toto sel.eq.1 .and. :x.le.0.
Also, remember that the fastest way to program is often to modify
a program that does something vaguely similar to what you want. Look in
~/midwork for inspiration.